𝕋𝕎𝕆 [𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕤𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕖𝕝𝕕 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕜]

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[Whispers of Mischief]
[Chapter Two]

"Maybe I want you to try..."


"Don't you have a practice to get to?" A voice called out to Y/n who was currently sitting in a tree.

"Probably," Y/n shrugged as he looked down at the man before him. "Don't you have a practice to get to?" He asked the blacked haired prince, his trademark grin still plastered across his face.

"Yeah," The boy muttered before letting out a sigh and turning to look at the school. "Did you hear about Lonnie?" He asked, turning back to look at Y/n.

"Lonnie? Mulan's daughter?" Y/n furrowed his brows as he shook his head. "What amazing thing did I miss now?" He asked sarcastically as he kicked his feet back and forth.

"Apparently the one VK did some spell to change her hair,"

"Mal helped Lonnie?" Y/n asked, the corners of his lips twitching as his eyebrows did the same, the look of confusion etching itself onto his face, only growing when the boy nodded. "Colour me impressed," He muttered before jumping out of the tree, landing in front of the boy and readjusting his shirt. "Let's get going, split up cover more grounds," Y/n suggested, deepening his voice and using a horrible accent. "You search on the field and I'll search... Anywhere else," He explained, slapping the confused student on the back before walking off.

"You could have just said you aren't going to practice!"

"I could have but I didn't so..." Y/n trailed off as he disappeared around the corner.

Y/n had just walked around the corner when a large figure ran into him with enough force that would have knocked any other student to the floor. "Hey, watch it!" A familiar voice shouted.

"You were the one running with the same force as a train, Jay," Y/n laughed as he rolled his shoulder, looking at the transfer student.

"Oh, Y/n," Jay took a step back and looked at the older Florian. "Didn't see you there,"

"That's normally the reason for accidents, so no sweat," Y/n laughed as he inspected the guy in front of him. "Loving the shirt," He pointed at the blue and yellow team shirt that Jay was currently wearing.

"Yeah, I made the team," Jay exclaimed proudly as he folded his arms and gave Y/n a massive smile.

"I can see that," Y/n chuckled as he nodded. "So, we'll be playing together in the game tomorrow," He added.

"You play too?" Jay asked, grabbing Y/n's shoulders in excitement.

"Yeah... Calm down, bud," Y/n chuckled. "I just didn't feel like practising today, you know... Little brother's coronation coming and whatnot," He added with a shrug.

"Ah, right, I get it," Jay said, dropping his hands as he rested against the lockers. "You have a big shadow cast down because of him right?" He asked with a knowing look.

"Yeah, something like that, dear old Dad thinks that it's my job to help Ben be the best king," Y/n chuckled while shaking his head. "Fathers... Right?"

"My father used to make me get stuff and stock the shop every single day, I was either walking around the Isle or standing on a ladder," Jay explained, rolling his eyes as he stood there.

"Oh, come on... My dad has me running behind Ben and cleaning up after him, he makes a mistake and guess who's taking the blame? The one and only," Y/n laughed, leaning against the rails. "Ben has this spotless image in public not thanks to himself but because he has a brother who takes the bullets and me being the problem is more believable because I'm generally more playful and mess around more than him,"

Whispers of Mischief (A Mal Bertha x Male Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now