Chapter 6

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I bite my lip to hold in a small laugh, horrified at myself for relishing in her pain. Imogen grins outright, pleased with herself for that little bit of payback. Aetos rushes forward and picks her up, yelling at Imogen loudly. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Xaden leans against a wall with his arms crossed, narrowing his gaze at Imogen as she stands up, brushing off her hands. "Take her to the Healers Quadrant Aetos, leave us to actually get some training in." Xaden drawls. Aetos glares between them both, glancing at their rebellion relics before storming off with Sorrengail in his arms. "You. What are your names?" He looks at Rhiannon and I. Rhiannon straightens "Rhiannon Matthias and Jasmine Deygan. Sir." She adds on the end. Xaden raises an eyebrow and then turns to me. "You haven't fought yet, have you?" I shake my head, silently begging him not to do anything embarrassing. "Perfect. Come with me to this mat." I smile at Rhiannon encouragingly before following my brother over to another mat with people crowded around it, cheering. I peer through the mass of heads and roll my eyes when I see my foster brother Liam flip another cadet onto his back and pin him down. "I yield! I yield!" He says and Liam immediately lets him up, offering a hand which he takes eagerly. 

A couple other cadets raise their hands volunteering to go next but Xaden speaks, easily clearing a path as everyone turns to look at him. "Liam Mairi, I have someone I'd like you to verse." Liam tilts his head, confused but intrigued, and I step forward, tucking a loose strand of curly brown hair back behind my ear. "Jasmine Deygan." Xaden introduces me, more for the crowd than my brother. Liam smiles and lifts his fists ready as I take my stance opposite him, fighting to stop a grin from spreading across my face. His hands move quickly, so that only I can see his message. "Finally, a real challenge. Ready to lose again?" I smirk and sign back, "I'll beat you this time." My brother and I circle each other for a while until he lashes out with a fist. I dodge to the side and weakly counter with a kick to his right hip. Liam jumps to the side and Xaden scoffs. "Your daggers are allowed. I want some real entertainment." I flick my fingers out from my chin right as Liam gives him the finger, and I see his eyes sparkle as we both tell Xaden to fuck off. A first year watching from the side of the mat calls out. "Hurry up, Mairi. We all know you can easily beat her." I smirk and Liam rolls his eyes, knowing it's not going to be an easy fight.

I flick my arms out to either side of my body and two daggers automatically slide out from the . Xaden smirks, crossing his arms as he watches us, probably checking our stance and preparing a lecture for later about what we need to improve on. Liam draws a dagger from his side, and we start circling, assessing each other silently. He moves forward and swings at my left shoulder, but I sidestep, letting his blade glide off mine to avoid the brunt of the blow. I dart around him and attack with a feint up at his chest, quickly pulling out to swing at the back of his knee. Liam spins and blocks, countering with a powerful blow straight at my chest, my wrist jarring slightly at the power behind his hit as I dodge.

"Watch your left, Mairi." Xaden instructs smugly and I smirk as Liam rolls his eyes.

He leaps forward and I bring my dagger up to block, absorbing the impact by pulling back slightly. Liam swings again and I step to the side, his blade glancing off mine with a metallic screech. We clash swords three, four times before circling each other again. I step forward and duck, around him, swiping at his stomach. Liam dodges but as he spins to face me I circle around him again, staying just outside his vision. I try to catch him unaware as he turns the other way but he knows me too well, and meets me head on, swiping his dagger at mine with enough force that it flies from my grip. I draw another from my hip, smirking. I see Xaden pick it up out of my peripheral vision. Good, at least no one else can steal it. Liam stabs at me but as I dodge he twists and hits my hand with the butt of the blade. It stings but I push through, not letting the pain affect me.

I hit his dagger away and then grab onto his shoulder, pressing my thumb into the pressure point. Liam hisses and drops his blade, which I kick over to a laughing Xaden. Liam swaps his remaining dagger to his dominant hand, and I draw my last spare in my left, once I lose these two I'll have to rely purely on my strength, not much of a weapon against Liam.

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