Cookies - Han Yujin

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"Yoona... I'm sorry, please don't be upset," Yujin says to me as I sit on the other side of the couch with my arms crossed.

Just 5 minutes ago, Yujin and I were playing a racing game together and he grabbed the controller out of my hand mid-game, allowing him to get ahead of me and win. He didn't expect me to be as upset as I am, and now he feels bad and is apologizing.

"Please... I'm sorry, Yoon... really," he says scooting across the couch to sit next to me but not getting too close. "I'll do anything to make it up to you."

I look over at him, still upset but intrigued.

"Anything?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Yes, anything." He says, getting closer to me with a small smile on his face.

I think about it, wanting to make use of this opportunity. He doesn't offer to do things for me like this very often. Then I think about what I want and smile.

"Ok. Then... I want you to make me cookies." I say smiling.

"That's.... all?" He asks with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah. I want your special cookies. The ones you made for my little sister's bake sale last month. Please?" I beg with a smile, my previous frown completely gone.

"There's nothing special about them, they're just cookies," he laughs.

"They're special because you got the recipe from your grandma."

"But they're just normal-"

"Yujin, just make the cookies," I interrupt him.

"Ok. I'll make you the cookies." He says, smiling and standing up to walk to the kitchen. I follow him and sit at one of the barstools.

I watch him take out all the ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, milk, and some other various items. He also takes out a bowl, spoon, and a pan to bake the cookies on. I watch as he washes his hands, then begins mixing the ingredients and then enter the kitchen behind him.

I stand right next to Yujin, watching him with a smile on my face. I've always thought he's so cute when he's focused intently on something.

After a few minutes, he notices me looking at him from the side and his focused expression disappears, a smile appearing on his face.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asks, holding back a laugh.

"No reason. You just... look cute when you're focused." I say. He smiles at me and reaches over to pinch my cheek without realizing that he has flour all over his hands from measuring for the cookie batter. The flour gets on my cheek, causing a surprised reaction from me.

"Yujin!" I say, smiling and reaching for a paper towel. However, he takes the paper towels away, holding them high above his head. "Yujin, give it to me, I need to wipe this flour off my face." I try to reach up to grab the paper towels but it's no use. He's too tall.

"I think you should keep the flour on your face. It's cute." He teases, keeping the paper towels high up in the air. I decide to put my fingers in the bag of flour and put some on his face. He tries to block me, so some gets on his face as well as his arm.

"Yoona, why'd you-"

"Don't start, Han Yujin," I say jokingly, laughing at the flour he now has on him.

He reaches in the bag of flour and throws some in my direction, covering my shirt with flour.

"Oh, my- Yujin! My shirt.." I say, going to stand over the sink and brush what I can off my shirt. "Now what do I do? I'm at your house, not mine. I don't have any clothes here to wear and I'm covered in flour." I pout and hang my arms by my side.

"It's just flour, Yoona."

"But some of it won't come off..."

"Come with me then," he says and puts his hands on my shoulders from behind, guiding me through the house and to his bedroom. He opens his closet, taking out a clean shirt and handing it to me. "Put this one on for now and I'll wash your shirt for you," he says, smiling.

I take the shirt and he walks out of the room, closing the door. I take my shirt off and put his on. It's, of course, larger than my shirt but not overly big since he has a small form.

After changing my shirt, I walk back out of the room, seeing him standing right in the hallway on his phone. He reaches out and takes my flour-covered shirt and puts his hand on my back, walking me back to the kitchen, then I watch him go in the small room by the kitchen pantry where the washing machine is. He throws my shirt in along with some detergent and starts it, then comes back into the kitchen and leans on the counter in front of me.

"How's the shirt?" He asks me, leaning in close in front of me.

I look down at it and smile. "It's alright."

"If you like it... you can keep it."

"What? No, I couldn't do that."

"What if I want you to?" He asks, leaning in closer.

"Why... why would you want that?"

"Because..." he looks to the side, seemingly thinking of a reason. "I like the idea of you wearing one of my shirts."

I feel my cheeks heat up. "But..."

He interrupts me by kissing my cheek, his lips barely grazing my skin. "Keep it. Please. And if you don't like this one, you can choose another one. Whichever one you want." I look into his eyes and see a different kind of look in his eyes. Usually, he has a sweet and playful look in his eyes but now it's more sincere and serious.

"Um... this one's fine then," I say quietly.

"Good. Now let me get back to making these cookies." He stands up from where he was leaning on the counter and walks back over to the bowl and continues mixing the ingredients. I watch him as he carefully measures everything and mixes it into cookie dough. Then he looks up at me with a small smile and motions for me to go over to him. I listen and walk into the kitchen, standing right next to him. He hands me a scoop.

"What did you give me this for?"

"You want to help put the cookies on the pan, right? That's your favorite part," Yujin says, smiling and putting the scoop closer to me.

"It is." I take the scoop and he watches me put the cookies on the pan. He helps me space them by carefully guiding my hand in the right direction. Before I know it, we've laid out two whole pans of cookies. He takes the scoop and puts it back in the bowl, then puts on an oven mitt and puts the pans in the oven he preheated while I was setting out the cookie dough.

"Now all that's left is to wait." He says, taking his apron off and sitting at the kitchen table. I follow him and sit next to him.

"Waiting's the hardest part..." I say.

"Yeah... but it's worth it, right?" He responds. I nod. "How about... while we wait we go play a redo game? I won't mess with you. Promise." He says, smiling.

"Okay... but I get a 5 second head start," I tell him. He laughs and stands up.

"Of course." He holds his hand out for me to take and I do. We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch where we were before. He hands me the controller and starts the game once again.

(A/N: can't guarantee I'll be posting frequently again but here's a little something 😊)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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