Chapter 33: The ReUnbirthday

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After a few days, we made the decision to host the unbirthday party once again in the magical rose garden. A beautiful array of colors and scents welcomed us as we entered. The air was perfumed with the delightful fragrance of blooming roses, their petals swaying gracefully in the soft breeze. The striking red roses added a pop of color to the scene. Everything was meticulously arranged for the party, with tables adorned in lace tablecloths and delicate china. Laughter and conversation filled the air as we decorated the garden with colorful streamers and twinkling fairy lights hanging from the tree branches. The garden had been transformed into a whimsical wonderland, all set to host our special unbirthday celebration.

"All hail our leader, Dorm leader Riddle!"

"Cheers for dorm leader Riddle!"

"The roses are red and the tablecloths are white. Truly a perfect Unbirthday Party. Is there a dormouse asleep in the teapo- Er, well I suppose it's fine either way."

"You don't have to change so suddenly, you know? Maybe we can spread the jam on your scones instead of on the dormouse this time? We don't have to stop all at once. We can take things slow."

"In the end, we still got roped into cleaning up and preparing the garden again."

"There, there. It couldn't be helped Ace, Riddle had to recover."

"Well, at least Riddle recovered from his overblot without any complications. Thanks to Alcina."

"The garden looks photogenic again, I am so satisfied."

"Blah blah blah! Let's just eat already!"

"Then eat we shall! I'll get the-"

"Wait a minute!"


"There's a white rose...!"

"We missed one?!"

"Ace, Deuce, I told you to make sure to paint EVERY rose!"

"Wait, this is our fault?!"

"R-Riddle, listen..."

"Oh no. Not again?!"

"I'm kidding. I won't get mad over every little thing anymore."

"Really?! Cheers for Riddle!"

"It will be faster if we all paint together."

"What? They still gotta be painted?!"

"That's how it's meant to be, Get to it you two." *Snickers*

"Even so... I'm impressed. You've changed, Riddle."

"It's all thanks to Alice here."

"Enough of the compliments! Let's get these stupid roses painted."

Alcina delivers a powerful blow to Grim's head.

"Oww, seriously Alcina."

"Oops, my hand slipped."

"So what happened to that tart, Dorm Leader."

"I made it as I promised I would. Here: one strawberry tart, crafted by yours truly."

"Nice! The shape is a little off, but I can tell you put a lot of work into that glaze. A fine job indeed, especially considering it was your first!"

"Oh, pul-leeze Trey. How about we actually TRY it before you start fawning all over him."

"Ah don't cut it yet, Let me take a pic first! Okay done!"

"Tch. I see Cater hasn't changed a bit either. All right, let's dig in! *Munch*

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