Mark meets who?

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Once upon a summer, Mark was exploring the creek, again all by himself.
"Ah!! Stupid rock.." Mark grumbled, tripping over a little rock.
"I don't understand why should i keep going in this pathetic creek... It's hopeless... I should- Stop?.."
Suddenly, he found a bigger rock with a hole under it.
Mark looked around the rock. It was pretty big!
"Hmm.. The hole seems scary. But i think i will take a look inside."
He went inside the hole, thinking that this place was all empty. Except... There was a kid laying down watching something on his laptop?
???: "Ah!"
Mark: "Ah! I-i'm sorry! I'm gonna leave no-"
???: "No, no! You can stay."
Mark: "...Wait, really?"
???: "Yeah, man! Sorry for getting scared like that."
There was a little moment of silence. The kid was still watching that thing on his laptop. Mark walked next to him and sat on the floor.
Mark: "Dude, is that anime?? How's it called?"
???: "Haru: The King Of The Forest!"
Mark: "So cool!"
???: "Here, have something to eat! Snacks during shows or movies makes the experience way better!"
Mark: "Snacks too?! I don't deserve any of this!!"
???: "I'm Kenneth by the way! Nice to meet you!"
Mark: "Nice to meet you, Kenneth! My name is Mark."
Kenneth: "Are you... A loner just like me?"
Mark: "Welp, you can tell."
Kenneth: "And i believe you wanna make friends, don't you?"
Mark: "Yeah.. But i don't know how. I kinda have a bad reputation in this creek and i am also a bit shy to talk to others."
Kenneth: "I think i can help you with that! If you wanna make buddies, you need to find something in common with them. If that doesn't work out, you can just do simple but kind gestures to them! For example, you can offer them a bag of chips, a little gift, just nice stuff, understand?"
Mark: "Yes, sir!"
Kenneth: "Here's another example. We had a thing in common and i offered you something too! And that's how we became friends earlier. Normally i don't really like talking to people, but i am happy to know i befriended you! Hey, we should start hanging out, what do you say?"
Mark: "That would be grea-"
All of a sudden, their phones started ringing. It was dinnertime.
Kenneth: "Oh! Well, wanna see each other tommorrow too? Maybe meet again near this rock at.. 8 AM?"
Mark: "Sounds good to me! It was a pleasure meeting you. See ya!"
Kenneth: "Byeee!"
And that's how little Mark made his first friend. Ahh, what a day!

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