Chapter 3

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Lucas's P.O.V

Our group is back together again. We are discussing when we are going to meet up for the project.We arranged tonight after John Quincy Adams got talent. That's Going to be boring. None of us populars are in it. I used to love Maya. I love her more now which is my secret because populars aren't aloud crushes  their suppose to to have the admirers. I have both. I'm the most popular guy at school. I hate geeks. They have lots of attention in class.  I like flirts because they give us loads of attention. Farkle flirts with every girl in the school but none of them have fallen for him except Riley. The show this afternoon will be on for 4 hours with no break. All the attention will be on The Drama Club.The drama club have the spotlight 3 times a year. Thats kinda good because I haven't got loads of the flirts around me. Maybe I hate the drama club three times a year.

"Earth to Ranger Rick. What's the matter Huckleberry has one of houses thrown you of when they realized you wasn't such a little good  cowboy anymore?"Maya moked.

"No actually ma'am my horse only throws of short stacks of pancakes"I replied. Oops i said that really loud. Oh I'm disappointed. All the attention is on me. 

"You bullying Lucas" David grabbed hold of Maya's arm.

"Drop it David. I'll teach her later on. I'll tell her that me the hottest guy in the school hates her" I lied but I felt bad for Maya. I know she started it but  she was only teasing like old times and I spoke meanly so yeah. I'm a popular and I'm not a jerK. I care about people but mostly me and the populars cause we are the stars of the universe. I like it how us amazing populars hurt people for one another but David does waits. 2nd strongest guy in the school after me and Maya shows strong feelings but deep down she is as soft as an angel and because of how strong he is and because Maya is quite small she would get really hurt.

"K man"

We all sat back down. 

"K. Lucas you will be Henry V111. I will be the virgin queen and Farkle you will be Henry V11. Maya you can be the interviewer. Maya knows tons about acting so she will be the director. I will write the script. Lucas you can choose the clothing because you're a popular. Make sure its Tudor fashion though and Farkle you can choose props from the drama group by flirting with them"

We all agreed with Riley but Farkle did object that Maya could get the props from the drama club as she is in it but we all thought Maya is directing it so its only fair. In the end w all group hugged after 3 other boring classes it was finally lunch.

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