Chapter 8

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Previously on Together Again: Riley would you like to......


Farkle's P.O.V

"Riley would you like to go on a date with me? I asked. I've been wanting to do it for years I finally got that off my bucket list. She started leaning in and so do I and our lips touched. Fireworks started flying through my body. I've kissed one other girl before and I felt no sparks but with with Riley I feel more than billions of sparks. Right now I'm feeling as though nothing else in the world mattes. She put her arms around my neck and I ran my finger though her hair which is perfect. I'm glad Mr. Matthews put us on this project. Riley and I very slowly pull away.

"Wow" we both say and have massive smiles on our faces.

"So thats a yes" I asked Riley even though I already knew the answer.

"Yes YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Farkle has finally chosen me!" Riley screamed at the top of her voice. She has always liked me! That brought a smile to my face. I looked at my old and now new again best mate Lucas who of course was looking at Maya's lips that was smiling really hard almost bigger then Riley's smile. Aww I guess she always wanted us to get together and we're still not but at our date tomorrow if all well I'll ask her to be my girlfriend. 

"FILEY IS FINALLY HAPPENING" Maya shouted. She was being more cheerful than when she won the Disney Land trip and also with the fact she just got cheated on if must make happy. She ships us a lot.

"Why you so happy Maya? You see someone get asked out and you just got cheated on and your over the moon." Lucas asked Maya. Maya looked down and Riley and I gave Lucas a what are you doing you'll never win her heart this way look "Sorry Maya" 

"Its okay. I didn't like him that much anyway I've got my eyes on someone else. I'M HAPPY BECAUSE FILEY IS FINALLY HAPPENING. MY FAVOURITE SHIP EVER. FOR HOMEWORK IN THE DRAMA CLUB WE HAD TO WRITE A SONG. I'M DOING IT ABOUT YOU TWO AS A COUPLE" Maya has never been more excited in her life. She sat down next to Lucas he put his arm around her and she rested her head on his chest. I just though as nice as Maya was being about writing the song about us she could write about her new crush on Lucas. The someone is clearly him. Laya. They'd make a cute couple maybe Riley and I could work on a plan for it. I know she ships it. When we was younger I saw her doodling Lucaya and Laya in one of her notebooks.

"Maya and nice as your idea is. The singing for the drama club this year is done for this year. I thought that homework would have been due in by now." Riley said to Maya. She has a fair point. The Drama Club singing has ended and the homework would of been handed in by now. Sparkle my little sister had to do.

"She's right you know" I told Maya.

"Filey is correct. It was due in two weeks ago but better late than Never" Maya replied being serious.

"Typical Maya Still bad at homework" Lucas stated.

"Actually Mortal Compass I'm better then I used to be. It least I do it now. It may not be on time but at least I do it." Maya replied to Lucas. She was half right. She was right for at least doing it but on time would be a lot better. No put telling her though she won't listen. 

"Maya you will have to help me get ready for my date with Farkle," Riley nsaid to Maya in her usual perky voice. 

"Sure Riley" Maya replied with a smile.

"I want to look perfect" Riley said all excited but she couldn't make herself prettier if she tried, She is really pretty.

"You couldn't make me love you more even if you tried. You already fill my heart and even more. I'm deeply in love with you" I told Riley while holding her hand and locking my eyes with hers"

"I feel this same way about you. I always felt jealous when you flirted with other girls. It made my heart brake and I never thought it could be fixed again until now" Riley replied still holding hands with me and our eyes are still locked.  

"Awwwwww" Lucas and Maya cried. Maya was even crying with happiness. I have never seen Maya like this before. 

"Maybe you two could be us one day" I told them with a smirk on my face.

"Don't be silly Farkle" Maya and Lucas suddenly said in unison. Maya looked at Lucas with a girl in love smile and Lucas with a boy in love eye thing.

"You can always tell a boy is in love with his eyes" Riley told me.

"You can always tell a girl is in love with her smile" I say and give her a peck on the lips. We both go in the Lucaya position. Our date will be tomorrow at 6.00. Lucas and Maya are both asleep and Riley and I do.

Sorry for the cheesiness and weird parts. I love Filey and Laya but more Laya. Whats your favourite?

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