Festival Reunion

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Being away from Johnny for a long time while he was touring was always difficult. You got used to it in the almost three years of being with him but it still wasn't easy on both of you. That's why you can't wait to finally see him today and join the boys on tour for the next two weeks.

You arrived earlier today and just put your luggage into Johnny's room before enjoying a nice lunch in the restaurant of the luxury hotel the band was staying in.

You just made your way onto the festival grounds where the boys are playing later tonight. You are greeted by Larry, Bob and Benji, as you learn that Van and Bondy are currently giving an interview.

"Are you alright lass?" Larry asks you happily, always in the mood to chat and catch up with you. Being with Bondy for a few years now means that you know the band and crew pretty well too.

"Yeah I'm good! Very happy that TRNSMT is a very easy and short journey from Newcastle" you laugh "I already checked out the hotel and I'm all ready for the show tonight"

"And for Bondy I reckon" Larry cackles while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively

"Oh piss off you child" you laugh with him and throw an empty water bottle at his head

"Oi, watch it! Bondy's not here yet to protect ya"

"A just threw that at your head, I'm pretty good at protecting meself like" you try to sound intimidating but are still laughing too hard at Larry's antics

"He doesn't even know that I'm here yet so will you keep it doon"

"Oooh surprise visit" Benji chimes in and the boys set off cackling again.

You groan and take a seat further away from the group but still facing them so you can keep watch and not have them try any pranks. You're really just so ready to finally see your boyfriend.

It's a very nice and warm summers day, there's a light breeze beneath the tent we're all sitting under. Hearing the music from bands and acts already playing further away from the backstage area and the occasional chit chat and laughter you hear all around is slowly lulling you into a light slumber and you can only fight it and keeping your eyes open for so long. But just as you're about to give in you hear the unmistakable voice of Van McCann and then a softer and lower Geordie accent alongside him. Bondy.

"Julia?" he says with a soft frown to his voice "A thought I'd pick yer up myself from the hotel later?" he questions as he finally comes walking over to you and helps you up from the chair. Sharing a warm and intimate embrace "A couldn't wait to see you though. And I didn't want to spend all day in our hotel room" you pout up at him but he's quick to kiss it away. You both linger for a bit. Seemingly very happy to be united again.

As you pull apart and he wraps his arm around your waist, turning to the boys and their animated conversation. You take this time to have a good look at Johnny. He always looks great but recently there's just something about his shorter hair, the tinted glasses he started wearing, the stubble. Feeling your thoughts drifting to a darker, naughtier place. It's really hard to focus and not be turned on by him. Pair that with his charm, humour and incredible talent and you're putty in his hands.

You slowly start moving your hand up his back and shoulders, caressing the skin of his exposed neck and twirl some of his curls round your fingers. The others don't see or notice anything but you can tell that it has an effect on Johnny already. You lean further into him and start placing featherlight kisses on his cheek and then neck. Getting bolder as you go along.

"What d'yer think you're doing pet?" comes his low voice. You wrap your arms around his torso and press yourself into him "Nown't. Just missed yer" you tell him innocently but of course he sees right through it. He places a kiss on your cheek before just looking at you intently for a while. The need and longing for him must show through and all of a sudden, he grabs your hand and announces to the boys that the two of you are off for a smoke and walk around the venue for a bit.

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