3 a.m. Cuppas

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Johnny just got back from America and this was your first night together again. So he should be in bed next to you. His absence however, is probably what has woken you up just now, at 3:17am. Turning over you groggily sit up on the edge of the mattress and rub the sleep from your face. Your eyes slowly adjusting as you turn on your small bed side lamp in order to make your way out of the room in search of your boyfriend.

Walking down the stairs and into the direction of the living room, you can hear soft notes of his acoustic guitar that get louder the closer you walk towards him. You yawn before a soft smile forms on your face. You round the corner and there he is.

Clad in his boxer shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt, he sits on the sofa, guitar in hand and strumming along to an invisible beat that only exists in his head. The room is illuminated in soft hues from the floor lamp that stands by the window. The vision of perfect domestic bliss that you almost don't want to interrupt. But the months apart from each other has you craving to be as close to Johnny as you can.

An invisible magnetic pull making you close the distance and walk right up to him. You know he has heard you as soon as you entered the room because the second you're by his side, his soft blue irises find your own. And he doesn't shriek or startle at your sudden presence. He must've felt that magnetic pull as well, as soon as you were within reach. As he looks up at you his face is relaxed and adorned by a sweet smile. He's sweet perfection and you could just stare at his face all day long.

He moves his guitar onto the empty sofa cushion and tugs on your sleep shirt so you'd sit down next to him on the arm of the sofa. He instantly cuddles into your side and places a hand onto your naked thigh. Your hand moves into his hair almost automatically and you're so grateful to have this wonderful man back with you.

The two of you are very physical and touchy people, and not waking up or going to bed together, not having that good morning kiss or quick cuddle before you leave for work always hits hard when Johnny's away.

So now you can enjoy this moment in the early morning hours even more.

"Couldn't sleep?" you say softly into the room, afraid to disturb this serene and peaceful atmosphere.  

"Nah, stupid jetlag like. Divn't want to wake you though" he presses a soft kiss onto your shirt clad hip as his fingers start trailing patters on the skin of your thigh. You press a kiss into his hair, taking a moment to enjoy this.

"S'alright. Guess I just couldn't sleep without yer any longer, after just getting you back today like." You tease and start nuzzling your nose against his stubbled cheek.

"Yer want some tea? Stay up a little longer together?"

He puts his arm around your waist and with one swift motion pulls you into his lap. You instinctively wrap your arms around his neck

"I'd love that". Leaving one last searing kiss on his soft face you reluctantly get up from his lap to walk the short distance into the kitchen.

Flicking on the light you fill up the kettle with water and turn it on, before making your way over to the cabinet to pull out two mugs as well as two of your favourite tea bags.

It doesn't take Johnny long to join you. Ever so gently he leans his chest against your back and slings his arms around your waist. Leaving a trail of kisses from your shoulder to your exposed neck. Time seems to be passing so much slower and everything feels to slow down to match both of your content heartbeats. The late night hour making it seem as if there's only the two of you in the world. And nothing else matters. You could just stay here like this with Johnny and be very content.

He ,on the other hand, gently turns you around so that he's facing you and takes one of your hands into his. The other one moves onto your hip and that's when he gently starts swaying the both of you. For a moment there is no sound or music, but eventually Johnny starts humming an imaginary melody that he leads you to.

Swaying around the kitchen in Johnny's arms makes you sleepy again, but you can tell that he is fully regaining his energy back and before you know it he starts a dance routine as if you two are competing on Strictly and this is the most important routine of his life. He also starts to sing a loud and pretty terrible rendition of Fly Me To The Moon and he gets so invested in it that by the end of it, he's on one knee with his arms wide out looking like it's the biggest declaration of love to you.

And you can't help but giggle at his silly antics. This is one of your favourite things about Johnny. His ability to make you laugh in any moment whatsoever, which always makes you fall in love with him even more. You shake your head fondly at him and turn back to your task at hand to prepare your tea.

Filling both mugs with the hot water and leaving it to steep gives you another few minutes with your boyfriend. And as you turn around a new wave of laughter erupts as you notice that Johnny took vacancy on your kitchen floor and is watching you fondly from his position. Seemingly too tired to hold his dramatic end pose or to simply just get up. You reach your hand out to him and he just looks at you with the biggest grin, making him look like a mischievous child, before grabbing your hand and pulling himself up with your help. He kisses the back of it and starts trailing sloppy kisses up your arm, just to make you laugh again.

That's one of Johnny's favourite things about you.

He reaches your neck again and blows a raspberry right into the space where your neck meets your shoulder and as you continue to giggle he secures his hands on the small of your back and just looks at you, studying and re-familiarising himself with your features.

Before you can fully catch your breath, he leans towards you and presses his lips onto yours. You quickly melt into it and urgently kiss him back. After a few moments the two of you gently break apart, the most content smiles on both of your faces "I love yer so much" he rasps and just looks at you for another moment. You can't help but blush and hide your face by turning away from him and grabbing your two steaming mugs. Handing one over to him "Thanks love" he replies and accepts the beverage from you.

Smiling at him you grab his unoccupied hand and lead him back into the living room, back to the sofa where you make him sit down and nestle yourself back into his lap. You're both careful with the steaming mugs and as you nuzzle into him and get comfortable you quietly tell him "I love you so much. I'm so glad you're home B" as you press another loving kiss onto his soft lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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