Chapter 2

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Warning: Short Chapter

Chapter 2

Clementine POV

In life, you have whimps and pussies. They looked to be the same, but they aren't. Whimp was a person who lacks strength, bravery, or confidence. It has invaded their entire face, fucking it like a cock. A pussy is the vulgar formalities of a whimp; they are also not strong, bold, or confident, but unlike a whimp, they reeked of it. Mr. Collins reeked of pussy as he grabbed for the revolver with shaky hands.

I had placed Amber in one corner and the kid, whose name I later discovered was Forrest. His crimson, swollen cheeks and bowl-cut hair would nearly make him appear adorable.

I had to hold back a giggle when I saw him stroll in with two rolls of tissue shoved up his huge nose.

I had to add, he deserved a smack in the nose, especially because his squeaky voice acknowledged to ripping on Amber's already thin strands of hair.

"I phoned her mom...she called her mom, and she's on her way."

"He-here." He stuttered as he took out his blood-red handkerchief and wiped away any hope for bravery.

"Hmm. His parents are also on their way."

The boy's eyes widened. "You shouldn't have." His squeaky voice echoed around the small office. I raised a challenging eyebrow. What was wrong with everybody? Their cowardice was engulfing me in this little space.

"I shouldn't have?" I inquired in a challenging tone, which mirrored my raised eyebrows. "Why shouldn't I, Mr. Forrest Hills?" I inquired, the frightened kid.

"There was no need, Ms. Yuri. You're new; you don't understand."

My expression shifted to Mr. Principal Collins. That youngster was held at gunpoint by a female his own age. If no one believed me, the red dent on his forehead was enough.

"I realize that this girl almost killed him and terrified all of my students." However, the last time I looked at their young faces, they all appeared to be OK. A touch too fine for my tastes. I expected to witness youngsters fainting like a spell.

Not calm, collected youngsters sitting in their seats. Not even a murmur comes to mind as I listen intently down the corridor.

"Ms. Yuri, let us talk outdoors for a second." His chuckle travels into his throat in a frightened tug. He stood up, his limbs quivering, and indicated for just outside his open door. I groaned as I walked outside the office and stood in the empty corridor. Mr. Collin's office was just three doors away from my class and five doors away from the exit, along with a line of beaten-up lockers.

"So, Mr. Collins—"

"Hush. You made a tremendous fucking mistake, Ms. Yuri."

My arms folded across my chest, and my brow furrowed again, wondering who he was speaking to in such a way. His tense states left behind a terrified, sobbing mess. He smelled like pussy much more than he did at the office.

"What's the problem?"

"Her mother is a great woman in this town; she even paid a huge quantity of money to repair this school and hire a few instructors."

"Does her money pay me? Even if it is, her daughter has no right to behave like a criminal, aiming a pistol at a boy's forehead."

I wasn't grasping Mr. Collins' point, and I don't want to comprehend it.

What he was implying to me was outright corruption. Just because her mother threw money at this institution like a stripper on a pole does not give her the right to be a god in anyone's eyes. I adore and play by the book.

"Is her mother the Mayor?" I asked. I know very little about this town. I only mentioned that a school was recruiting on 'Indeed job search' in this particular huge town, and I decided why the fuck not.

"No. I wish her mother was the mayor, but she is not." He grabbed for the tie, which was almost around the collar of his shirt, and tugged on it to loosen it around his neck. He cleared his throat. "She is a Mafia."

When he stated this, I tried as hard as I could to keep a straight face, but it was impossible. My laughter echoed along the eerily calm corridor.

"The Mafia." Seriously." My arms landed with a loud thud on his shoulders, and I could feel sweat through the shirt. This man was afraid of nothing. Amber's mother may have more firearms than anybody else in town, which has made her a Mafia member. Wow. I would really like to meet this woman.

"Mafia are not real, Mr. Principal Collins. Just a fairy tale." Even I considered fucking a Mafia man with a black aura, exquisite tattoos on his skin, and a willingness to kill anyone simply for glancing at me.

I referred to it as the Delusional days. Back then, every female aspired to ride a Mafia man's pole.

I looked up at his face, and it was as if he saw a ghost, as his well-rounded face, discolored as his filthy diarrhea brown eyes, gazed down the corridor that led to the door. "She is here." The bitch murmured in a bitch-like voice. The soldiers did not battle so that we could be bitches. I can't believe a grown man in his late forties, with a few white hairs showing through his black hair, was terrified of a lady.

As I slowly gazed towards the corridor, which was occupied by a single tall man, who strode confidently and style.

Her long, buttery black coat, fastened at the waist, flapped as she went. I couldn't see her face since her head was covered by a trapper hat.

Woah! I was internally stunned, and I swallowed what I had just stated about this unknown stranger. I was a mere ant in comparison to her massive physics.

"Who is that?"

"Nikolai Ivanov." He mumbled, astounded by her appearance. The closer she approached, the more flawless her brilliant radiance become. However, this does not imply that she was part of the Mafia. Her muscular stride came to a halt just in front of us, allowing me to view her piercing burnt ember sliver eyes, which were the gorgeous shade of gray that appears before a thunderstorm.

"In the office now." Her dark tone was directed toward Mr. Collins. She passed by us, and I saw how she had to bend right at the entrance to enter the office, was she that tall?

"Yes, Ms. Ivanov."

My brows were trapped in an arched high position. I assumed that Mr. Collins was in charge around here, and that if anybody should make any demands, it would be him. But maybe she could tell he smelled like pussy.

He hurried in, and I stepped in gently. I wasn't afraid of her. At least, not yet.

AN: Next chapter will be on March 11, 2024. Do you think you can wait so long?

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