Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Clementine POV

No one but my mother and father can be blamed for their deaths. Only my ex is to blame for throwing me out of his garage-infested house.

I have only myself to blame for being a thief. If I could lay my hands on a block and be bold enough to cut off my right hand, I would. My right hand committed the most serious offense, and it bore all responsibility.

I arrived late for class, and everyone's attention was focused on me. I was aware that these children knew nothing about my personal life. Even though I was completely dressed, I felt naked.

I felt naked earlier, so I donned an extra layer of shirt over my existing long-sleeved shirt, which matches great with my black dress pants. When I was walking down the stairs with an obvious limp, I thought I should have worn a skirt to get some fresh air through my jammed up pussy.

I shrieked as the door slammed shut, and I turned to discover it was the devil's child. I wonder whether she has a gun someplace on her, and my gaze quickly moves to her waist, where she wears her tight denim trousers. If she were wearing a gun, the buttocks would protrude through her tight T-shirt.

She looked precisely like her mother, and as I continued to stare at her, I noticed a grin pushing against her lips.

Did she know her mother stopped by my flat and fisted my pussy? Did these youngsters understand that I wasn't a decent English teacher, and that I was no better than them?

Amber approaches to her seat with her eyes fixed on me and a grin on her face. "Hurry up." I let out a roar. What was I doing snapping at a child. A kid with a gun, but still a kid. A child capable of murder. But still a kid.

She slid into her seat, resting her feet on the other seat in front of her.

I was ready to tell her to put her legs down, but my head and pussy pained.

I walked carefully to my desk, careful not to limp in front of the children. They were innocent, but not dumb. Even if they didn't realize the Mafia Town leader did this to me, they were aware that I had done something in the bedroom.

Walking to school this morning taught me how to perfect the walk without a limp.

Step 1: Extend one foot while keeping the other behind.

Step 2. The following foot, which was behind, was slowly but firmly pushed out, sending the next one.

Step 3: Do not walk quickly.

The final step was to assist me avoid getting a chafing between my legs, which would undoubtedly cause more issues for my cat than I expected.

"I gave you guys your little quiz the other day, and I must say, most of you performed well. And I'm proud of you. My gaze naturally gravitated to Peter-Gaye, who was an outstanding student. A classic geek, with a two-braided hair, braces on her pushed-out teeth, dark freckles on her cheeks, and thick, square spectacles with thick lenses that make her eyes appear enormous behind them. The future looked bright for her, and I was glad she had friends who followed her.

"Then..." I began by making hand motions to the rest of the class, but my gaze was drawn immediately to Amber's, who was busy toying with her pencil. She can do whatever the hell she wants. I wasn't going out of my way to ensure she learned. Her mother had it all figured out, and she was set to follow in her mother's footsteps; let us see how long her mother could maintain that lifestyle. "There are those of you who have a lot of space for growth; the semester has just begun, and it is not too late for you to improve your grades. Do your homework, whether for this or another class. Study. Do your schoolwork. Complete projects. And you'll be an outstanding student." I advised.

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