Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Clementine POV

I gazed at the room with wide eyes. I had everything a tutor might want. There was just one desk and two seats, which I believed meant that only she and I should be in this room. To my surprise, there was a whiteboard that was far better prepared than the chalkboard. There were a couple notebooks, and a closed laptop and tablet were just next to it.

"This is cool." I said. Amber shrugged as she took her seat at the desk. I was a teacher, not a tutor, which means I covered specified themes whereas a tutor took a more flexible approach to that same issue.

How was I going to tutor her? What method should be taken? When Nikolai informed me she had requested me, I was still perplexed, as my perplexed expression had not yet faded from my face.

I was now teaching comprehension, and it would be best if I started there. I gave her a comprehension quiz, and she received a poor score. I have two weeks to complete comprehension before switching to a new subject.

Amber was waiting for me, and as I looked into her eyes, I could see her anticipation. Why was she so eager to learn? I assumed she wanted to be like her mother.

"Why did you request me?"

She rolled her eyes. She extended her hand to grab a book, opened it, and turned to a new page. Just teach. "Can you teach any other subjects?" I can, but I shake my head.

"Stupid." She muttered.

"You're stupid, too; did you look at your grade?"


Her mother had abandoned me here, and I was not thrilled to learn that I would be spending two hours each day with the devil's child. I'd rather spend time in my stinky flat.

The room was small and cramped, but it included everything we needed. I knew it would be the longest two hours. "At school, we are working on comprehension. What do you know about it so far?" I put forward, making my way around the medium-sized desk, to have a seat.


"English is your mother tongue, yet you don't know the basics."

"English is not my primary language; Russian is."

I chuckled, as if I would believe it; she was clearly born here, as evidenced by her birth certificate, which I had seen while logging her in. She has spent her entire childhood in this English-speaking country. She was simply creating an excuse for being poor at English, just like any other student.

Just like I was with math.

English was a difficult subject, but telling her so will not help. "Write it down." I grumbled as I went towards the whiteboard behind the desk. The room was obviously not properly configured, and I'll have to change it.

"If you want to study this topic, your hatred for me must be minimal to none; else, you will not learn."

"I don't hate you. If I did, I would have murdered you."

I trembled when I heard a 13-year-old girl threaten to murder me with little to no devotion in her words. It would be something her mother would say. She has her mother's remarkable build, and she must be quite proud.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically to brush away my uneasy sensations. Breathing in her own air mingled with other youngsters was preferable to being here alone with her. Disturbing.

"Well, whatever resentment you have, please put it aside for this and other matters. Learning needs a pure mind and heart." I sounded like a monk, or perhaps it was just me, gradually sinking into this tutoring thing. I took up a black marker and began sketching a definition of what comprehension was. I didn't want to give her any technical significance. I want something simple that she'll remember.

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