The Live

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3rd person pov:

The boys were live and they were just doing whatever and talking since they didn't really have a plan for today's live. All they did so far was a little bit of truth or dare (nothing spicy happened) and that's pretty much it.

Justin was sitting on the bed on his phone reading the comments from the live on his phone. He read one that said 'why is Justin on the bed, UNDER THE COVERS, huh?' And he almost laughed but held it in.

Darren was on the other side of the room and he was talking to Regie about whatever. The others were talking about what they wanted to do for the rest of the live and what they were going to do this week.

Darren noticed Justin smiling at his phone (when he read that comment) and got a little jealous wanting to know what was making his boyfriend smile like that.

Darren walked over to the bed leaving Regie since they weren't really saying anything anymore. Darren got in the bed and looked over at Justin's phone.

When he saw that Justin was watching their live he asked,

"Justin? Why are you watching our live and smiling like that?"

"Well someone asked 'why is Justin sitting on the bed under the covers huh?' Probably assuming I had a boner or some shit."

"Oh, well do you?"

"No? Do you?" Justin asks raising his eyebrows with innocent eyes.

"I will if you keep looking at me like that."

"Is that so?"


"You sure?" Justin asks looking Darren in the eyes giving him a submissive look trying to turn Darren on.

"Mhm. Now stop or you're going to deal with it."

"What if I want to deal with it?" Justin asks tempting Darren.

"Then deal with it."


Justin slips his hand under the covers and plays it off by laying down on his stomach and acting like he was gonna take a nap or something.

He moves his hand down to Darren's dick and just places it there, not moving. He wanted to tease Darren a bit.

"Fuck, Justin..." he says quietly.

"You wanna fuck me?" Justin asks in low whisper not letting anyone hear.

"That's not what I meant but later I for sure will."

Justin blushes and Darren looks at him and smiles slightly.

"Would you like that? I bet you would my little slut."

If they weren't in front of everyone and not on live, or Justin wasn't sane, he would've moaned right then and there. Damn it, he forgot Darren knew about his degrading kink.

"I would Darren. What are you gonna do to me if I don't touch you more?"

"I'll fuck you til you can't walk and give you so many hickeys that you can't even cover all of them with makeup."

DISCLAIMER: no one can hear them.

"And why would I cover them in the first place?" Justin says gaining confidence loving seeing this side of Darren. His switch side. Him being dominant but not able to do anything under his touch.

"I-I don't know. I was just assuming."

"Don't worry Darren, I would love for everyone to know I'm yours, but we can't get caught. So let's play it off later and act like I snuck someone in or something. Ok?"

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