-back together again-

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Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter posted but it's here now!


Two weeks had passed and now alastor had a drawer filled with notes, all from the same person. they all only had small compliments or worries written and appeared if alastor had gotten hurt. Alastor was very anxious for today, it was time for Lucifer to visit the hotel, he would ask himself things like 'did he grow any?' 'I wonder how he's been'. And today would be the day he found out.

Lucifer, on the other hand, was thrilled to be able to see his daughter, (and alastor but he wouldn't admit it) it had been a long time, although Lucifer wasn't too enthusiastic about the whole hotel thing. But hey, anything for his daughter right? Lucifer started the day out early, talking to his ducks, anddd... yeah that's basically it.

It was time for him to leave so he placed the duck he was currently talking to and grabbed his apple shaped cane, and his hat. He texted Charlie that he'd be over in about an hour and she sent a thumbs up. He decided that instead of teleporting he would simply walk , 'to check how his city was doing'. And god what a mistake that was, hell was, well hellish. Burning houses and people fighting like stray cats over food. Of course there were regular buildings owned by an overlord in the tech industry. 'How i hate television.' He thought walking pass the building.

Eventually he was at the hotel, 'it's only been 7 years they couldnt have changed much right?' He was thinking about Charlie and alastor. He knocked on the door, and a few moments later a girl opened it "charlieee!" Lucifer hugged his daughter "hey dad.." she seemed anxious but hugged back anyways. Lucifer saw alastor in the background with his stupid smile. The deer was merely shocked by seeing Lucifer hadn't grown an inch, and he was going to tease him about it.

Charlie introduced everyone and went over to the bar. "WHAT IN THE UNHOLY HELL IS THAT-?" Lucifer was trying his best not to be rude. "Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?" Alastor showed hands making a non existent rainbow "Who might you be?" Lucifer was talking about Alastor as he looked over to Charlie.

The demon appeared behind Lucifer. "Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you sir! Quite a pleasure" Alastor shook his cane and then Lucifer backed away from him. "It's good to finally put a face to the name, you are much shorter in real life.." Alastor smiled widely "who is this is he the bell hop?" "Heavens no, I'm the host of this hotel, you may have heard of me from my radio broadcasts!"

Lucifer thought this act was entertaining so it was only fair to continue it. "NOPE! Guess that's why Charlie calls it the haz-bin-hotel ahaha" he elbowed Charlie. "Hahaha.. that was actually my idea" Alastor said checking his nails. "Ahahaha Well it's not very clever"

"HA.HA. Fuck. You." Alastor spat out. This was one of the few times Lucifer had heard Alastor swear, he really was old fashioned. Lucifer was going to end the argument there and lay off but Alastor? Well.. "you are so lucky to have Charlie as a daughter, if she was my kid I'd be with her all her life, speaking of which, where's her mother hm?" Alastor knew exactly what happened but couldn't help but mess with the king. "You fucking-" before Lucifer could finish a piece of the hotel fell down. Lucifer sighed 'I suppose Charlie does need some help in this... whatever it is.'

"Haha, looks like you could use some help, from the big boss of hell himself"

About 30 minutes later

Alastor sat in his room, legs crossed as he looked at the duck he received from Lucifer 7 years ago, suddenly a knock on his door. Alastor got up, "come in, if you dare~" static leaking through his voice. The door opened and stood a familiar king. "Your majesty it's so good to see you after you sent me to do your bidding!" Alastor was only half joking. He bent over to reach Lucifer's height then Alastor kissed the kings hand. "What was that little comment in the lobby?" He asked getting straight to the point.

Alastor had figured Lucifer would ask him that. "All good fun your majesty!" He said in a sing-song voice. Lucifer rolled his eyes, "whatever, OH MY SATAN" Lucifer pointed at the duck on the shelf, "the duck I gave you! You still have it??" Alastor chuckled "of course your majesty it's a - odd gift but a gift nonetheless" Lucifer smiled softly. "I suppose you're right." Then he frowned "I'm still the better dad to Charlie and you better remember that." "Of course luci, the song was all fun and games, I couldn't dream of being her father" Lucifer scoffed and then he looked over at alastor saying he'd be back later after he talked to his daughter

Hours later around 11pm

Everyone else had gone to bed but The two sat on Alastors bed discussing what happened the past 7 years. Alastor and Lucifer shared drinks, as they gossiped, "so little Charlie Morningstar wants a meeting with heaven hm?" Lucifer hated the idea of her going to heaven and talking to the seraphim in charge. "It's a horrible idea right?" Alastor laughed a bit, he didn't believe in the hotel but Charlie had a good shot. Lucifer eventually passed out from exhaustion, a habit he had while they lived together. Charlie thought her dad had left so she wouldn't look for him in the morning, and Alastor didn't mind letting his master sleep on his bed as he didn't use it much anyways.


OMGGG THANKS FOR 600 READS sorry it's out so late but I'll get the next chapter posted soon!

don't forget to vote and I hope you Have a wonderful day/night ❤️

1002 words

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