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I couldn't hide the disdain in my voice as I spoke to him. Even to pretend as if nothing was wrong in front of Chef Sergio was hard for me. I just wanted to tear into Matteo about his whereabouts and why he was now behaving in such secrecy as of lately. I had a lot of questions but my restaurant was not the right spot to get into things.

I had a few things to do in the kitchen office with my head chef and then after, I walked out of the back door where Louis was ready for me in one of our cars.

I thanked Louis for picking me up and remained quiet the remainder of the drive back home. Sensing that I was not in the mood to talk, Louis drove with soft jazz playing in the background and didn't question me or attempt to bring up conversation.

I rested my head on the window and rubbed my bump, taking a deep breath in as flashes of blogs of Brigette Pearson's previous scandal replayed in my mind. Blogs after blogs full of allegations and some of them had proof with semi-blurry pictures and short video clips.

There was no way in hell that Matteo would hire someone of that caliber, after everything we've been through in university. He was very careful and up front with me about everything as there had been allegations against him not being faithful to be back when we were in university.

I trusted my husband but with all of the new found global fame from football, there were women plotting left and right. Subsequently, it didn't end there. Matteo has told me crazy stories along the years of groupies popping up at his hotel room, girls trying to shoot their shot at clubs or events when I wasn't present and what made things worse was that some of those thirst buckets were women in the industry. I couldn't believe it.

Now, being 7 months pregnant, larger in size, and not looking or feeling like myself, the last thing I wanted to think about was my husband sleeping with someone who was crucial on his management team. But I couldn't get the image out of my mind.

I've searched Brigette's name to the ground and analyzed her pictures. She was beautiful, there was no denying it and she carried this business woman elegance about her with her stance and walk but there was also something very dark behind those eyes. Something so cavalier and smug when I saw her with clients.

I felt that something was off and Matteo's standoffishness didn't make his stance look any better.

The sound of the front door opened and I heard heavy steps enter.

After the drive with Louis, he dropped me off at the estate and I sat at the common living space, waiting for Matteo and preparing myself to properly engage.

Matteo had stayed back at the restaurant to get food and although I had my questions and concerns, I was also starved.

Food tasting with Chef Sergio Sanchez was not enough to feed the baby boy growing inside of me and the last thing I wanted was to be kicked endlessly until I gave the baby what he wanted.

"Tosha!" Matteo called out.

I rolled my eyes subconsciously, aggravation taking over me just as it had at the restaurant previously. I hadn't a clue if I was seriously that annoyed with him or if it was the hormones of pregnancy causing it but I really didn't care. He wasn't on my good side today.

"I'm in here," I answered flatly.

I heard his feet shuffling.

"Did the cleaners leave early today?" Matteo walked into the living space with brown paper bags of food in his hand and a drink tray. His 230lb tall frame stumbled in, looking around at where I sat under a blanket with my feet tucked under my butt.

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