Land and Sea

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**3rd POV
Things were happening late at night on campus.

While they were in groups or pairs, they were disappearing.

No, not disappearing.

Being taken.

What was happening?

A Hunter was taking pairs of people.

For what?

No one was sure what the reason was.

Things were clear…he was under a different team than before.

**Hannah POV
Lizzie and I decided to go get lunch on campus today.

As we were walking, we were talking about things that have happened recently.

"I can't believe everything that's happened in the last week. Did you ever believe we would be called to action so soon?" I asked Lizzie.

She shook her head, "Honestly? No. I thought at least another five years, but no wonder we were forced to be at the same college."

I nodded in agreement.

I was accepted to other schools for drama and teaching as well.

However the four of us were encouraged to go to college at the same place.

Well not encouraged, more like forced to be near each other.

For some of us, it was fine.

But Malik and I don't get along.

At all.

It was lucky we decided on UST as a college when we were applying and we just all got into the college itself.

Malik and I argued a long time, delaying both Lizzie and Parker from applying anywhere until we decided on anywhere.

"Wonder if we would have been free to go elsewhere if Talon allowed it. Or if he just knew Sant would be here." Lizzie admitted.

Yeah, that was odd.

Santi was chosen so quickly into his freshman year.

And knowing Malik and Parker?

And Talon being his RA?

Talon was a lot of things, but I didn't see him as a predictor of the future.

It was…convenient Malik was friends with Santi.

"You're overthinking again, what are you doing?" Lizzie asked me as we stopped walking.

I shook my head, "It's nothing. Just wondering about life if we never had to be…Champions, you know?"

Lizzie was silent.

I guess she never thought about it.

"I guess…I just never thought about it like that. Something about that last fight told me…we would be called up before our time." Lizzie admitted.


Suddenly we looked up and there was Malik.

He smiled at Lizzie, "Liz! How funny we ran into each other."

She looked at him funny, "Um, yeah. Weird."

Then he looked at me and his smile faded, "Hannah."

"Hi Malik. You're not with your boys, why is that?" I asked him in a neutral tone, I wasn't here for an argument.

"Parker and Santi decided they needed to study, so they stayed with Brandon. And for some reason Talon is with Elena, so I thought I'd get lunch and look! Here you are!" Malik said.

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