The Lost Champion

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**Santi POV
"You're not even done! Come on, let's keep going." Elena scolded me.

"No! I don't want to." I complained.

She scoffed, "You're the one that called me to help you with history."

While this was true, Elena had an unhealthy obsession with history, to the point she'd just keep talking about it if I didn't get it.

And now I was regretting asking her to help me.

But I knew Malik was worthless.

Parker has tried but he's not good at explaining anything so Elena was my last chance.

"Can I have a break? We've been at this for hours. I'm hungry." I told her.

She sighed, "Fine. I guess we can get some lunch. I think the others are at the dining hall."

Thank God!

We packed up our stuff and left the library, going outside as I texted the "Champions group chat".

"Y'all at the dining hall?" I texted.

"Just got here, dude! Want us to wait?" Malik responded.

"Elena with you?" Lizzie texted as well.

"Yes and yes. Why?"

"Talon's hereeee….." Hannah said, which made me nervous.

Especially with the amount of emojis she used.

I rolled my eyes, "So…?" I replied.

"Dude, do you want a bloodbath?" Malik texted back.

Parker added, "Cone on, man. Think a little!"

Well, to be honest, it was getting better nowadays as there had been very little bloodshed.

Elena wasn't really paying attention as we walked through the campus and was just walking as if nothing was going on.

We showed up outside the dinning hall and there was everyone waiting.

Hannah saw us and she put her hand to her face.

Parker rolled his eyes.

Then Talon saw us, "Hey, how's the studying going?"

Elena sighed, "Could be better. If someone would stop complaining."

I gave her a fighting shrug, "Hey! It's not my fault you are basically a history teacher and are in love with history."

Lizzie laughed, "Um, she's getting her degree in teaching and specifically history and English, what did you expect?"

Yeah, true.

I scratched the back of my head and looked up into the sunny sky.

"Should we go inside? I'm hungry." Parker complained.

However, I jumped back as my Eagle vision started working and I saw something come our way.

Too many things.

"Whoa! Guys!" I cried out, pointing to the sky like an idiot.

Everyone looked up and I wasn't sure if they saw it.

But what I saw was a bunch of ships.

A Hunter was here.

**3rd POV
The rangers hurried to morph and get inside their zords to fight the ships coming their way.

Using the first formation of Eagle, Shark and Lion, the Champion Megazord formed to fight the ships in the sky.

The Hunter, Crocobite, was telling his Moas what to do.

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