photoshoots and backstories

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THE NEXT MORNING, we were needed to meet up at wherever Mr. Tibbles wanted us, apparently he had a surprise for us. Turns out, we were only needed for a photoshoot, so we were required to meet in this large studio somewhere in Minneapolis. 

Upon arrival, we were each given several Team USA hockey apparel outfits, ranging from sweatpants in the colors red, white and navy, with USA embroidered into one of the pant legs to Team USA hockey jackets with our name and number on the back. We weren't told to wear anything specific from what we were given, just to mix it up so there was a bit of a variety. 

I had settled on the pair of navy USA sweats, the white long sleeve shirt, and the Team USA hockey jacket. Before putting it on, I examined the Jensen 87 on the back of it, smiling as this made me truly feel apart of the team, that we were one. 

We went in order of our last names, meaning Averman went first. We soon realized that the photoshoot would take longer than we expected, so we got comfy while waiting for our turn. 

Connie, Julie and I had settled in a couch on the side of the studio, while the rest of the boys were spread throughout. There were many conversations that went on, starting with hockey, going to boys, then school, our futures, then back to hockey. 

I wanted to tell the pair of them about some things that no one on the team knew, and I wanted to tell them before we got to California, so I took this as the perfect opportunity. 

"Julie, Connie, there is something I wanted to tell you, before we get into the whole Goodwill games and everything. And Julie, you know some of this, but not all of it." I looked at the pair of them, and they looked right back at me, waiting for me to go on. 

"There are some things that no one on the team knows about me, and when I think about if, that's really not a lot. But to start simple," I took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm Icelandic."

Julie, who already knew this, turned to Connie, looking for a reaction like I was. 

"So, you're Icelandic. What's so secretive about that?" Connie chuckled a bit, looking from Julie to me. 

"I uh, overheard at our practice yesterday that me being Icelandic, would make me a target, for the Iceland team." Curse Mr. Tibbles and his stupid Hendrix Hockey. 

This time, both girls were silent. They were shocked, it was clear, but then they pulled me into a hug. I wasn't expecting it, but got over it and wrapped my arms around the pair. The hug didn't last long, but it got the point across. 

"If any of those Iceland shitholes comes after you, I'll personally beat them." Connie said after a moment. 

Right then and there, we all burst out laughing, breaking whatever tension that had appeared. 

"Julie Gaffney!" 

We heard Julie's name being called, meaning that it was her turn for the photoshoot. Hers took around ten minutes, and Connie and I sat behind the camera in some chairs we had pulled up. We laughed at some of the poses she chose, but overall the pictures were good. We got to see them when she was done, approving and disapproving the ones she did and didn't like. 

Goldberg was after her, then I was up, so we stayed in the same place while we watched him. When it was finally my turn, the makeup artist or whatever applied a bit of blush to my cheeks and applying mascara to my lashes. She ran a brush through my blonde hair, making it look really fluffy, but not frizzy. 

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