we're eden hall warriors, right?

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* * * *

When I woke up in Connie's room the morning of the first day of high school, I already knew it was going to be hectic.

Julie and I decided to get an early start to our day by walking with Kenny, Luis, Russ and Dwayne, but Connie wanted to stay back to wait for Charlie, Adam, and some of the others.

When we arrived, we filed into an already packed auditorium, where we found an open row towards the front. We had only sat down for a moment before a voice was heard behind us.

"You Ducks don't belong here at Eden Hall."

All six of us turned to see a bunch of burly jocks in letterman jackets, who were looking at us in disgust. There was a younger strawberry blonde girl who was sitting next to the one who spoke. She looked from us to the guy who spoke curiously. Our eyes locked for a mere second before I fired a reply. 

"What did you say?" I snapped, then proceeded to scowl at them.

"Augustine, calm down. They must think we're somebody else." Dwayne told me then turned to the boys sitting behind us. "Well, folks, I'm Dwayne, we're on the new hockey team. And you?" Dwayne held his hand out for a handshake, but all he got in return was a wad of gum stuck to it. I grimaced before glaring at them again.

"Varsity. The only hockey team." The one with darkish brown hair said. "State champs."

"Buddy, you're not special just because you think being on varsity makes you so much better than everyone else. I could cross you up any time." I shot at him, already annoyed with him.

The boy simply scoffed then mirrored my scowl, before continuing. "You know, my brother lost his JV spot when you yo-yo's were brought here."

"Probably because he wasn't good enough," Julie muttered to me and Russ, and we chuckled.

"You see, that's my dad," the jock pointed up at an older man on the stage. "He's gonna get the board to revoke your scholarships."

"Jeez." I whispered to Julie, who giggled.

"That's your dad?" Russ asked. "Nice outfit. Did it come with a yacht?"

We all laughed before turning back to the front, while hearing them mock us from behind.

When the headmaster walked up to the microphone, I sort of zoned out because it was a load of crap that we were listening to, and it went on for like fifteen minutes.

I was only snapped out of my daze when the curtain behind the board fell and out came Charlie, Adam, Connie, and the rest of them. Charlie looked like he was full of dirt and Goldberg looked soaked. The crowd erupted into laughter at the sight of them.

"Hi. We're the Ducks."

* * * *

Throughout the morning, while most of the team found classes dreadful, I quite enjoyed them. I didn't have a bunch of classes with Adam, which was slightly annoying, but then again, I was taking AP Calculus, AP Quantum Physics, and AP Human Geography and History, while the rest of my team had a bunch of the same classes. The only morning class I had with him was History of Arts, which was one of the dumbest classes ever.

At lunch, I finally had the chance to be with the entire team again, besides Luis who was being a creep over at the cheerleaders table.

I had sat down for two seconds before I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned to see Adam sitting next to me with his lunch. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before turning to his food, while I was already getting a head start on my Calculus homework.

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