Chapter 3 Part 3 'Suspicious'

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As Blue typed away he would pause at times going over what he just typed. This needed to be convincing, needed to sound like Pink.

He even went through old texts Pink sent. Learning how she typed and the words she used.

Blue would sit in place on the bed, his body was tired but at this point he was keeping himself awake and focused on the screen.

Once he was done he'd go over the message, scrolling up and down and changing small parts of it at times that didn't fit or could sound more like her.

The text read-
"Cyan, I'm sorry I never texted you back and left Purple's party. I'm leaving this town with Adam.

He's everything I've ever wanted, unlike the dullness that surrounds us here. I haven't been happy for a long time, I'm leaving everything behind for this life I feel is right. Take care of yourself, tell my family I'm sorry."

Adam, this mystery man she loves. A runaway that left everything behind. Sending one final text before she left the state with this man. He didn't know if it would work, but how else would a dead girl talk?

Clearly Pink was an idiot and actually listened to him about not telling anyone where she was going.

Or else the police would've broken down his door already. Such a fucking idiot..

Staring at the screen he'd hit the send button and then quickly blocked Cyan's number. Now all he has to do is wait. Blue got up after a few moments, and put Pink's phone back in the drawer hidden away from anyone but him.

Going down the steps slowly, trying not to miss a step because of his tired mind. Blue felt as if he was going to pass out, the lack of sleep just for the person he loved was getting to him.

(Warning: Cannibalism)

Was he really going to stay up like this every night of the week for Cyan? He already killed for him, kidnapped for him, dismembered, and ate human flesh for him. Lack of sleep was the least he'd done for him.

He'll stay awake for days for Cyan, a slumped-over, tired-eyed cannibal staring into the fridge of flesh, the fire pit of ash, the bloody clothes in the wash.

He doesn't want ever to have to eat someone again.. Not because he found it wrong. But the work was horrible, grueling, and humanity-crushing.

Hell he didn't even want to eat Pink. But he did what he had to, there were probably other ways his low IQ mind didn't think of. His tired teen brain doesn't fucking think ahead.

But at the time he thought just- Eating the body, the evidence.. It wasn't the smartest thing to do. He never thought he'd eat another person. It was so strange-

So forbidden, practiced throughout history, diseases. Never eat the brain they say, humans taste like pork or chicken, and how tattooed people's flesh tastes bad.

Fake recipes online, documentaries, interviews, dark websites that claimed to have cannibals roaming on them, confessions from killers.

The word of God, eating the body of Christ, drinking his blood. He was never too interested in it. Honestly, he wasn't interested in anything. Never really seen the appeal, sure- It tasted good.. He'd guess?

It was nothing special, he could go to any store and mash the hamburger meat and the human meat together and you wouldn't be able to tell if he served it up on a plate in front of you.

Nothing remarkable, nothing special. Pink's flesh was nothing special, no big rush of dopamine, no police, no fire casting him to Hell- At least not yet.

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