your hearts so big (but that ass is huge)

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When the three of them arrived at the party, it was already in full swing. Tonight's theme was "Joe" and they had fully committed. Sana was dressed like Joe Exotic, sporting a blonde mullet wig with a blue sequin animal print shirt that was barely buttoned, jean short shorts, and white platform heels. Momo arrived as Joe Jonas, styling her hair after his longer looks in the 2010's while sporting a white tank top, blazer, and scarf with a pair of skinny jeans and sneakers. And finally, there was Nayeon in a GI Joe outfit, green and black paint streaked on her face with a white tank top, camo cargo pants, and combat boots.

"Y'all it's so hot in these skinny jeans, how am I supposed to keep going," Momo moaned as she stood by her friends, flipping the shoulders of her blazer back to let the air flow to her body. The party was loud and dimly lit with flashing lights, which was a sensory nightmare for Momo. She was already regretting coming.

"You look hot, that's what matters," Nayeon said as she grabbed the drinks she had just poured and handed them to Sana and Momo, sensing the latter didn't want to be there and hoping the alcohol would remedy that. "Now we wait."

"For what?" Momo asked. She raised the drink to her lips and immediately spat it out. "Oh my god what the hell is this?"

"Uhh yeah maybe we should start with shots," Sana said as her face twisted in disgust, taking the drinks from her and Momo and setting them back on the table. She grabbed three shot glasses, pouring heavy until it spilled out, and handed them to Nayeon and Momo. "To hot girl summer!"

The three of them cheered as they clinked glasses and threw it back, alcohol burning their throats. Momo couldn't remember the last time she had taken a shot. She would soon remember why she didn't, but she seemed to be enjoying herself more now. Sana's face started to get warm as she stood there with her arm around Momo. Nayeon was already making her way across the room to talk to some girl in a tea cup.

"I'd say... she gets this girl. She seems really into it," Momo said thoughtfully. Her and Sana played a game at parties where they'd guess Nayeon's chance of success with a girl. If you were wrong, you had to drink. They had played this a lot in the past, it was an easy way to include friends on an inside joke, especially with how frequently Nayeon would flirt with women. Momo remembered a time when her and Sana's exs were both present and how much fun they had had. Her stomach sank remembering this, but she pushed it aside quickly.

"Really? I don't think so, I'd say she doesn't," Sana sneered. "Look at the way she's leaning away from Nayeon, she's not into it."

"You can tell by how she's leaning? But look at her laughing and touching her arm?" Momo asked, genuinely confused.

"Ah, take note Momo. Any girl can laugh but body language is everything," Sana tutted. "Also why is she dressed as a tea cup?"

"She must be a cup of joe." Momo and Sana both laughed as they got the costume. They watched as Nayeon got shot down, and Momo had to take another shot. She stuck her tongue out as the liquid burned her throat again. Sana was carrying a beer in one hand and a cup of jungle juice in the other hand, alternating sips as they made their way around the room. They had fun singing and dancing, while also occasionally talking to people at the party. Momo was still trying to figure out how to flirt, but Sana was an expert wing woman. Between the drinks they started with and the games they played throughout the night, it was a wonder that either of them were still standing at this point.

"Sana, I think Joe Biden has been watching me all night," Momo slurred, leaning up against Sana and waving to the girl in a suit and wig across the room.

"It's a good thing you play for both teams!" Sana giggled.

"Joe Biden is so hot too, here AND at the White House," Momo said with a small smile, trying to drink from the straw in her cup and missing, earning a laugh from Joe Biden.

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