heard the risk is drowning, but I'm gonna take it

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Nayeon had thought long and hard about what would be the best setting for her date with Mina. It had to be somewhere they could talk since she actually wanted to get to know her, but also a place where she could impress Mina, emphasis on impress. Momo thought this was a stupid idea, telling her that she should keep it lowkey and just do a nice dinner since the girl didn't seem to be affected by grand gestures. Nayeon did consider this, however she was also not one to squander an opportunity to be flashy if possible. Sure she was charming and funny, but she wanted a slight edge that would put her above the many people she was sure were pursuing Mina. Sana told her to step away from hosting a karaoke competition and rigging it so she could win, to which she just sighed. She felt a lot of pressure for this to go perfectly, and when the opportunity just happened to present itself at the right time, Nayeon couldn't help but feel it was fate.

She usually felt fairly confident on her dates, but Nayeon was feeling nervous today. As far as Mina was concerned, she shouldn't be feeling nervous at all. They had been texting non-stop since the triple text day, much to her surprise. Not that Mina would want to continue talking to her, but because Nayeon was replying and enjoying it. She had also run into Mina on her way to class one day, and the girl had laughed at something she had said (although it was not intentional). She felt like she had a pretty good handle on how to approach Mina, but none of her usual moves had worked and she felt like she was treading water. She didn't have anything to hide behind today.

"I already know we are at the zoo," Mina said, arms in front of her to try and prevent herself from falling face first into a wall, with Nayeon standing behind her covering her eyes with her hands. She claimed she had forgotten the blindfold, but really she just wanted an excuse to be close to the other girl.

"You're no fun, how did you know?" Nayeon pouted, removing her hands from Mina's face, noting how soft her skin was.

"Me and my roommate come here a lot," Mina giggled. "But this is fine, we come a lot because we love it!" She reached out and pinched Nayeon's cheeks until she smiled again.

"Well I remembered your nails from a couple weeks ago, and I bet you and your roommate have never... drum roll please, Mina!" Nayeon started drumming on her thighs, to which Mina stood and stared at her for thirty seconds. "I'm not going to tell you until you drum with me!"

Mina playfully rolled her eyes with a small smile and gently started drumming on her legs with Nayeon. "Today we are painting with the penguins!"

Mina's face lit up, eyes wide with shock. "How did you get in? That class has been booked for months now, I'm always trying to get in?"

"Let's just say I have a friend who owes me a pretty big favor and she just so happens to work here," Nayeon smirked, feeling relieved that she had picked an activity that Mina was excited for, and was impressed that they had gotten into this exclusive event. She would also never mention that the friend was a previous friend with benefits, and the favor was a result of Nayeon helping her break off a relationship with a scheme involving a threesome.

They had arrived a little early for the painting class, so they started walking around and looking at all the animals. Nayeon had heard about the new baby capybaras, quickly dragging Mina through the crowd to go look at them.

"Oh my god, they're so cute," Nayeon cried. She pulled Mina in front of her so the other girl could get a look at them too, to which she shrieked with excitement. They wandered around to look at some of the other animals, none of them eliciting similar responses, until it was time to go paint with the penguins.

When they got to the studio, Nayeon noticed Mina shiver. Without thinking, she pulled off her jacket and put it around Mina, who blushed and accepted it. There were two tightly packed rows of easels lined up on tables with the necessary colors on the table next to a cup of water with brushes in it. Nayeon pulled out a stool for Mina to sit on and then quickly moved to sit next to her. As everyone else got situated, Nayeon couldn't help but beam at how cute Mina looked in her jacket.

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