I could be the one if you let me

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Nayeon was laying face down on the floor, it had been four days since she had run into Mina at the diner and given her her number. She rested her chin on the floor, staring at her phone and willing an unknown number to call or text. She had picked up a couple unknown numbers hoping it was the girl, but it was just another person asking about her car's expired warranty. She let out a loud groan, growing impatient. She swore she could see the paint peeling off the walls.

"Are you ok?" A new voice asked from the hallway. Nayeon looked up, unsure of who this person was, but she figured it was one of Sana's guests.

"I'm fine, I'm just waiting for a girl to call," Nayeon sighed.

"Why don't you call her?"

"She only gave her number to the other girl, she didn't get the other girl's number," Sana teased as she came and stood next to the girl, both of them looking at Nayeon's body on the floor, arms folded.

"That seems silly," the girl said quickly, to which Sana started laughing. Nayeon sat up and turned to face them.

"It didn't feel right! And I don't need to explain myself to you, who even are you?"

"Oh I'm Tzuyu," the taller girl replied with a neutral expression. Nayeon looked at Sana and raised an eyebrow, to which Sana just shrugged. Nayeon laid back on the floor.

"Do you want breakfast, Tzuyu?" Sana asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"No I've got a paper to write but I'll take some coffee if you have any." The girls chatted in the kitchen, discussing plans for the week and making small talk about plants and movies. Nayeon closed her eyes, the sun streaming through the window to her body, perfect for a cat nap. Suddenly her phone buzzed.

"Oh my god it's her!" Nayeon said as she quickly stood up and ran over to the counter Tzuyu and Sana were sitting at, rushing between them to show the text.

Hi, it's Mina 📝

"Why did she send the note emoji?" Tzuyu asked as she sipped her coffee. "Oh wait, is this fourth base girl?"

"You know about the competition?" Nayeon asked, stunned as she looked over at Sana.

"Yep, and she made Nayeon write her number down on a piece of paper, it's a whole thing," Sana said to which Tzuyu just nodded. "And yes I did tell her we are friends so I figured it would be fine."

"Ok sure that's your prerogative. So what do I say back? Do I play it cool and wait awhile or do I ask her out or what?" Nayeon was a little nervous. She had run through so many different scenarios in her mind so she would be ready, but now that the moment was here, she still felt unprepared.

"Just ask her out!" Sana said with a smile.

"How though?" Nayeon asked.

"Here let me see," Tzuyu said as she grabbed her phone, typing furiously.

"You do realize you know the least about this situation, right?" Nayeon asked skeptically.

"Yeah, but I know women," Tzuyu said nonchalantly, handing back the phone.

Hi Mina! It's so good to hear from you, do you want to hang out sometime?

"That's so formal, she would know it wasn't me immediately," Nayeon said quickly. Sana nodded and grabbed the phone, hitting enter and typing under what Tzuyu had put.

Hey it's good to hear from you, how's it going? We should catch up :)

The text felt more like her, but something still didn't feel quite right. She sat there staring at both, wondering what was wrong with the texts. Or her. She hit enter again and typed under the texts.

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