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Damian Wayne had been trained by the best of the best. He knew when he was being watched, especially because the one watching him made no effort to hide her presence from him.

From the moment he'd bid his goodbyes to Alfred and stepped out of the limo, somebody was following his every move. It was difficult to maintain a civilian identity, as too many disappearances would obviously lead to questions, which meant that Damian had no option but to sit through the school day if he wished to not draw attention towards himself.

The moment the bell rang, Damian rushed out of Gotham Academy and put on his mask, not wanting to keep his visitor waiting for any longer.

The wind whipped back Robin's cape as he jumped from building to building with ease, following the woman who'd been waiting for him the entire day. His footsteps pounded against the rooftops in a rhythmic pattern, not slowing down until the figure came to a pause, choosing an abandoned rooftop for their meeting.

"Seph," the boy called out, greeting the figure who was now seated on the edge of a building's roof, swinging her legs merrily.

"I see you've finally made time for me," the young woman remarked, a smile dancing on her lips. "I was starting to think your school day would never end."

Robin took a seat beside the black-haired woman. "I would've come earlier. Unfortunately, I could not just disappear from school without explanation."

"You'd better not start skipping school, kid. Talia won't be happy."

"I know better than to do such things, Seph," Robin reminded her.

"Can't argue with that," Seph chuckled, her hands moving to ruffle the boy's hair. Surprisingly, the usually haughty boy did not attempt to get her to stop.

"Anyways, I come here bearing cookies and news!" Seph exclaimed, jumping up and pulling out a box of blue cookies from her bag.

Robin stood up as soon as he saw her take the cookies out, taking the box from her hand and opening the lid. He immediately grabbed two cookies before offering some to the woman, who snickered at his enthusiasm before taking two cookies, just as he had.

"You're part of the Team, aren't you? The one that the Justice League sends out for covert operations?" Seph asked after taking a bite of one of the cookies.

"I am," Robin answered. "Is this related to the news?"

"It is. You know Wonder Woman, right? Well, around seven years ago, she had me train the Team for a few days. Somehow, she found out that I was in Gotham with Wise Girl due to her summer internship without me telling her. She thought that it was the perfect opportunity to rope me into training the Team for the entire summer. Still can't believe I agreed to that."

"Wonder Woman managed to convince Father? And you will be training me and other members of the Team?" the boy confirmed, his voice revealing slight disbelief.

"Yep!" Seph smiled. "I gotta go now—Annabeth's probably wondering where I've been the entire day. See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow."


Percy had hugged her girlfriend goodbye when she dropped her off for her first day interning at Wayne Enterprises, and a smile still lingered on her face when she thought about the blonde's eagerness to start her day.

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