I lived through what most would never been able to fathom. The one lesson I have learned was nothing gets resolved without understanding. No cycles, no relationship, no amount of questioning , gift, talent or finding what is good for you.
Nothing works without understanding.
We may enter contracts blindly. Have rose colored glasses on in the heat of the moment. Make impulsive mistakes without understanding. Without acquiring the knowledge to understand the facts. Have you ever had your judgement clouded, when your intuition was telling you. The person, place or thing is wrong but you went along anyway? This happens when we don't fully understand. We choose to jump ship and head straight for the sharks.
Having understanding of whatever the questions at hand may be. Understanding; brings light to all that was lost. The exact, precise information that was found needed in perfect time.
Time and understanding go hand in hand. Certainly, time could be at play.
Give it some time. Sometimes it takes some investigation. It is okay if you disagree...
Pray for understanding.
Let go and surrender your heart and just be.
Surrender Your Heart By Angel X
Short StorySurrender Your Heart is a short story By Angel X