Chapter 9.

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Harper's parents left the next day, leaving her all alone. She was now able to skip school whenever she wanted, without having to explain herself to anyone. And that was exactly what she did. She didn't go neither to school that day, nor to practice. She believed that by staying home, she wouldn't have to meet Jeffrey, so a week went by, with her, still, locked inside. Her friend Emma came by a couple of times to check on her, give her the homework, and tell her about all the drama and gossip that was going on around school. Harper had informed her that she was «sick», so that's why she wasn't going outside. However, even though she didn't have an illness, she had stopped eating properly, or even at all. Was it because of Jeffrey? Because of the fact that she was in love with someone she wasn't supposed to be ? Or because of she was hurt by her own actions?
She had lost a few pounds. It was like a deja vu to her. She once had a «situationship», with a guy, 1,5 year before, it wasn't exactly a relationship, or she didn't want to call it that way. He was the one she had her first sexual experience with, but not because she was ready, but because he forced her, and thankfully she didn't let him take her virginity. He was toxic, he didn't let her, dress how she wanted, have friends, talking to other people, even her own parents. He usually talked shit to her face, and also had the nerve to lay a hand on her. Not once, not twice, but a couple of times. He always ended up saying sorry, but blaming her for making him angry to the point that he couldn't control himself. It was the worst period of her life. She had lost weight, lost interest in everything that once made her happy, and she even hurt herself. She still had some scars around her wrists, and one on her stomach. She always hided them so well so that no one would see them. She was young and broken. She thought that, that was love, and stayed with him for over a year. He eventually cheated on her, blaming her once again, for not having sex with him. It was at that moment, that she found the courage to break it off with him. It wasn't easy, but she made it. She was still healing, and promised to herself to never go through this again.

Jeffrey was getting really worried. He hadn't heard from Harper since Monday, and it was now Saturday. He knew she loved training, and the fact that she hadn't gone all week, drove him crazy. He had a gut feeling that something was wrong and he wanted to see her. To make sure she was alright.

It was night time, Harper was enjoying her book, sitting on the couch, while listening to her favourite playlist. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She got up, went to the window, to check who it was. Jeffrey.

Fuck. No no no. If I pretend that I'm not here, he will leave.

The knocking didn't stop.

"Harper?" He said.
"I know you're in there, the lights are on"

She didn't say anything, she stayed in silence, waiting for him to leave.

"Harper please, I'm not leaving. I just need to talk to you. Please sweetheart" he sounded desperate.

She couldn't resist anymore. She opened the door, standing in front of him, with only a pair of shorts and a black hoodie. He, on the other hand, wore his usual black jeans, with a white T-shirt and his leather jacket over it. God she missed him so much.
None of them talked. He had narrowed his eyes, he was worried. He noticed that she looked skinnier, and his heart sank.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He finally spoked.

"Yes why wouldn't it be." She replied shortly.

"You haven't fucking showed up to school since Monday. You won't let me talk to you. You just keep staying away from me."
"And seeing you now, you're as pale as a ghost. Have you been taking care of yourself?" He cared about her. He wanted to be the one to make her feel safe.

"Why do you care. I'm fine" she was angry but she didn't know why.

"Well excuse me??! I do care about you. Talk to me."

"You really want to know what's wrong with me? I fucking kissed you and you clearly showed me that i shouldn't have. I don't want to feel this way about you cuz it obviously won't get me anywhere, but I can't fight it! All i think about is you, MY FREAKIN COACH, so yeah that's what's wrong with me, are you happy now?" She cried out.

Before she could say another word he grabbed her face and kissed her forcefully, connecting his body with hers. Her body was in shock. She just stood there, unable to move, moving her lips along with his, as he deepened the kiss, claiming her as his own. He stopped, resting his forehead against hers.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment", he said, kissing her back once again, as they step inside. They start making out passionately, with him forcing her against the door, closing it. She wraps her arms around his neck, as he puts his hands under her thighs and lifts her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She removes his jacket, dropping it to the floor and he slowly starts kissing her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her.

"Not here" she said, and he smiled, turning around, going upstairs, to her room. He gently lays her on her bed, hovering over her, and placing himself between her legs. He starts kissing her, groaning in pleasure, as he slowly starts pulling her hoodie over her head, then her shirt, leaving her only with her bra. He kisses her neck again, lowering his head to her chest,leaving wet kisses along the way, and bringing the bra straps down her arms.

"Wait" she said and he immediately stopped. He looked at her with worried eyes, wanting to know if she was okay with this.

"I just.. uhh, I- I haven't.." she looked away from him, unable to finish her sentence.

"Harp? Talk to me sweetheart. Are you okay? Did I do anything wrong?"

"No, no, I- .. this is new for me, I haven't done this before.." she was embarrassed.

"You mean sex?" He said as he got off of her, sitting next to the edge of the bed.

"Yeah.." that's all she said, putting her shirt back on.

"Shit.." he said running his hand through his beard.

"You're gonna leave now, I know, I'm sorry" she was about to cry.

He turned to face her, grabbing her shoulders, making her look at him.

"Hey hey, there's nothing to be sorry about. I would never leave you. I just.. I want to do this right with you. Whenever you are ready. I won't force you to do anything you're gonna regret after." He said kissing her forehead.

"Please, stay the night with me" she said.

He nodded, taking her to his embrace, as they laid down together. She rested her head on his chest, placing her arm over his body, and he brought her closer to him, letting his fingers move in circles over her back. They soon drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

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