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Idea for the prompt found on tumblr: mood-biaswrecked


The seven boys were eating lunch outside, randomly discussing their sleeping habits. Hoseok had accused Taehyung, his fellow Hufflepuff, of snoring, which resulted in all of them calling out each other's habits. 

Jungkook was rather bored with the conversation, preferring to rest his head on the soft grass and drift off while the others talked. 

"I can't believe Yoongi-hyung actually sleepwalks," Namjoon blurted out with a laugh, to which Yoongi threw him a sour look. 

"It's true, happens almost weekly," Jimin giggled. "Hyung, maybe you should see someone about that?"

"I'm fine. It's not like I go far," Yoongi shrugged.

"Wha- you ended up in the Astronomy tower two weeks ago, what are you saying you don't go far?" Jimin snorted. "That's as far as you can get!"

"Well, it's cute isn't it?" Taehyung chuckled. The five awake boys gave him a weird look. "What? I think habits like these are cute. Take Jungkook for example. He talks in his sleep sometimes, it's kinda cute."

Jin's eyes grew wide. "No way, I've never heard him do that!"

"It's adorable," Taehyung assured him. 

And right at that moment, they fell silent and the sleeping Ravenclaw's mumbling became audible. With curious eyes, they all turned to Jungkook and moved their heads closer to better hear what the maknae was saying...

"Fight mf... square up... you gonna catch these hands..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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