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Fancy words in a page.

Jungkook got back from delivering the letter and went back to his room as he laid in his bed starring onto the white ceiling that peacefully sat ontop of him.He then remembered of the stack of letters they both received and decided to read them now.So he sat on the floor of his room and opened the beautiful navy blue box and there sat the huge stack of letters that were sent to them.

He opened one of them that read,

My gorgeous flowers ,
Oh how cruel the world is to let you flowers alone in a huge world to survive alone.But I hoped to be there too as your sunshine but I was simply erased from the existence of your lives and that is okay I am proud that my flowers are able to naviagte through out the dangers

Stay happy my flowers

He smiled reading that letter because it sounded so sophisticated and hard but he decided to move on to the next letter,

Only my flowers,
I am to tired today but I hope you flowers ate well and is sleeping now but who knows when my letter has been delivered.I dreamt of holding my flowers close with me but everything has its own mind,sadly.

Goodnight my flowers

He folded that letter then found another

Beautiful flowers of mine,

Oh why is my letters so short now?My flowers I have been hired to a new florist job near my house so I have been busy lately,Flowers are beautiful that each of them had a deep hidden meaning behind y those gorgeous looks.I am learning to move on but these letters are what keeps my heart beating like I have to live for you flowers.I am glad life is taking care of your beautiful souls and I am happy to watch from the top but be stronger be better remember

It's okay small words of your doing is enough to put a smile on me but I hope oneday I am able to get bigger sentences.I had to go deliver flowers today for a wedding and it was the most gorgeous wedding ever I wish to see my flowers oneday and be their to hold one of you down to their loved one.
Thank you for keeping me remembered because it is a meaningful act for me I mean it.

I am watching from the distance but keep moving forward my flowers I love you three.

It was the last sentence that made jungkooks heart stop beating,how did this person know there was three of them?and what did they mean from a distant?So much questions flooded his head and he was so confused when he was interrupted by a messgae notification then met with a call.Jungkook glanced at the phone to see "hubby💜" show up on his screen so he quickly answered it and waited for the elder to start speaking.Usually it would be the younger blabbering away about his day but now he was awfully quiet and that was noticed by the elder.After the elder informing jungkook about his day he could not hold any longer then asked the question that has been stuck in his head.

"Baby are you having something cloud your mind hm?"taehyung's question caught jungkook back to the reality
"Ahh no not really don't worry"
"I am coming there give me ten minutes okay love you"
"Mm love you too"

Jungkook gasped as he heard taehyung would be here and quickly stuffed all the letters in the box and stuffed the box under somehwere nobody would see.He made sure his room looked like it was presentable for a guest then changed his outfit because he stank from the walk he had.It was a simple outift with baggy black sweats along with a shirt and that's when he heard a knock on his room door knowing it was taehyung and that his father probably let taehyung in from the front door.

"Love are you in here?"
Jungkook blushed at the unexpected pet names taehyung would give him and then opened the door for him & there stood taehyung with messy hair and a hoodie with plain grey sweats that made jungkooks heart do many flips of how hot he looked in that
"I got you some chocolate on the way from work"taehyung handed the chocolate to jungkook and sat on the bed.

"You can tell me everything you know?"
"Promise you won't tell anyone because I can't keep this bottled up?"
"I promise darling"

And that is how jungkook ended up telling taehyung from the start of the letters receiving till how he heard his hyung say his eommas number and how he was scared to call her.

"Darling you have all this clouded in your head and you didn't tell me?"taehyung pulled jungkook to his lap and placed a messy a kiss on his lips
"I was scared taetae please help me now"
"Darling I think you should call your eomma she really would love to hear your voice after that incident and I don't know why but I have a weird gut feeling that the letter is maybe your eomma?have you ever thought that?"taegyung rubbed circles on jungkooks back and placed kisses on the crown of his head whenever he wanted.
"I'm scared taetae she will hate me for leaving her"
"Nothing is possible if you don't try how about you call her now and we give it a go?"

Jungkook slowly grabbed his phone and dialed the numbers then starred at the number that was placed on the screen as if they were some bacteria and then taehyung finally said a few soothing words that helped jungkook calm down a little bit his heart still was feeling like it would come out.After what felt like a decade he finally pressed the call button and watched it ring for a few minutes when he heard a broken ladies voice reply at the other side,jungkook starred up with doe eyes that were covered with water to taehyung and taehyung just smiled and pecked jungkooks nose and gave thumbs up indicating him to talk .

"Hello is this my work boss Sam calling?I am sorry I will come to work soon I was sick and could not pay off apartment bill but I will come tomorrow don't fire me please"the lady begged from the other side

"Hi this is not your work boss"jungkook managed to say
"Oh then who is this?are you the apartment lady next door who helped me with my payments?"
"May I ask who is this?You seem very familiar?"
"I am your actually I am you see the one do you recognise me?"
"You sound like my bun I might say"
"Who is your bun?"jungkook held taehyungs hand tightly
"My bun you want to know?"the lady asked
"I do"
"My bun is my youngest son,he was and is my world even though I have two sons also I love my bun the most because he reminds me off myself younger of how innocent I was with a big heart that stood so strong,my bun would love to help me everytime I would be struggling and always cry even at the smallest things and once we had our family seperate so I took my small sons with me but I never asked how their hearts felt and would lie to them how the world is beautiful so they left me oneday but I understand I am probably being punished for my past self.My bun has the most beautiful voice he looks like a rabbit you know?Ah enough of him but tell me who are you again?"

There was a huge silence and jungkook could not handle the amount of emotions so he ended the call and started to cry in taehyungs arms.

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