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Ryan's POV....

"W-what do you mean by our relationship depends on this??"

I asked while being flustered, I always try not to show my emotions but this is just so sudden....

"Answer Ryan, what do you think of me? Do you see me as an hassle? like you see other people or do you genuinely see me as an true friend?"

Honestly speaking, I have encountered a few very tense situations in the past, but It's hard for me to think straight right now.....

I am just looking down, trying to avoid eye contact. My heartbeat probably is skyrocketing at this point.... I am really out of words,

"May y- you are.....a c-close friend..." I somehow mustered my courage and replied, while avoiding her face...

After all the inner encouragement I gave to myself for answering, she replied with, "Close friend, huh!!!"

"Something wrong with that?" I asked, 

She really is unaware of how much internal conflict I have gone through in the last minute to answer this... I even thought about confessing my "True" feelings, which she wanted but I at least want a year to gather that much strength by myself.

Whatever she continued with,

"So If your close friend needs some help, what will you do?" She answered with a kind of expression which I need time to describe....It was neither confused or serious, she just casually said.

"........What do you want?" I had a hunch that all my internal conflict and inner monologue was wasted but I still wanted to confirm,

"You know Ryan, I always wanted to be a teacher, I want to teach kids about life, gratitude, relationships, some other various things........and education."

Her expression was very interesting in her pause between various things and education.

"Let's just keep aside those "Various things" for now and let me ask you again, What is your point May.....?"

Her question wasn't the spur of the moment but it was intentionally crafted through the whole conversation, I am sure that the reason to meet me was because of this question. 

It was a very planned strategy to first make my mood good, and then spitting out this question. I knew that she is indeed not idiot, but her planning does make me wonder about her true potential. 

"Huh... you know Ryan, how I can teach dozens of children whom I have never met? You may don't know but I am really not that confident in talking to strangers.."

It's really hard to think her this way now, but she may indeed is an idiot.

"Let me tell you May, that no one is born with the same abilities and that's why they conduct a proper training program for every teaching candidate."

Well I personally know some teacher's which are not really that confident but still got that diploma to teach.

But anyway, I know that all of this is just the tip of the iceberg, her true intention is something.... sinister

"May let me ask you once again, What is your point....!!!!"

She finally understood that she is busted and replied with full conviction in her eyes,

"Ryan, I want to teach you.!!!!"

"....." I was lost of words, I was either very confused or irritated.

"May, that's why there are teacher's here..."

"Not that Ryan, but you're better than me in studies."

Well I won't comment on that

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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