Miraya's Hate v/s Riya's Love

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Let's start

Both house are currently in the midst of cake cutting festivities.

Mitali: "Riya, make a wish."

Sonakshi: "Princess, make your wish."

Miraya (in her thoughts): "God, please don't bring Riya into my life."

Riya (in her thoughts): "God, bring my Miru sister into my life."

Miraya (in her thoughts): "May no happiness come into her life."

Riya (in her thoughts): "May no trouble come into my sister's life."

Miraya (in her thoughts): "Riya has no place in my life."

Riya (in her thoughts): "My existence is meaningless without my sister."

Miraya (in her thoughts): "My happiness lies in her pain."

Riya (in her thoughts): "My happiness is in my sister's happiness."

The party concludes with both cutting the cake in the same manner.

In Khanna Mansion, Mumbai,
In Miraya's room,
Miraya, with bloodshot eyes, tightly holds a photo in her hands and stares at it.

The photo is of two five-year-old girls who look at each other with immense love.

Miraya: "I hate you; in my heart, there's only hatred for you. I loved you so much, Riya, but what have you done? You've ruined everything. Your foolishness has destroyed numerous lives."

"It would have been better if you and your mom never entered my life. I loved you, but because of u, everything changed. Because of u, Mom and Dada's relationship ended. Because of you,kiu  Dii left us forever. Because of u , Shaurya bhai became distant from Mumma. Because of u, the bond between  Purab mamu  and Mumma, which was  filled with love, ended. And yes, because of you , I separated  from my  love, Ranbir." I love you Ranbir.

Riya, You took away all the precious relationships from me and Mumma. I hate you, intensely hate you. You haven't lost any relationships; you still have Dada and your mom. And yes, you still have Ranbir. I promise you, just as I've spent countless nights crying because of you, you will also cry in the same way." I hate u.

That's it for today.
Sorry for small update

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