THE TAPE - The Night's Encounter

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The Seven Archangels stand outside the gates of heaven on a serene night, with the stars illuminating the sky. Archangel Gabriel gracefully soars through the air, not straying too far from the celestial realm.

"Ah, what a tranquil night it is...!" Gabriel remarks, turning his gaze to the clouds drifting around him. Some clouds dissipate as his wings gently flutter, but he pays them no mind, focusing on other matters.

"I think I'll venture elsewhere.. not too distant from home!" Gabriel muses. However, as he begins his exploration, he hears a sudden rush of wind. Stopping abruptly, he continues to flap his wings to maintain his position, his expression betraying a hint of fear. With a sense of unease, he swiftly returns to the gates of heaven, heading towards Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael remains engrossed in his writing, diligently completing his final task before resuming his conversation with Archangel Raphael. Meanwhile, Gabriel alights upon the soft embrace of a cloud, making his way towards Michael.

"Michael?" Gabriel calls out tentatively.

"Oh, brother! Is there anything I can assist you with or perhaps answer your inquiry?" Michael responds, tearing his gaze away from his work to address Gabriel, who appears visibly unsettled.

"Why do you seem apprehensive, Gabriel? There appears to be no cause for concern in our surroundings." Michael observes, his brow furrowing in concern.

"It's the sudden rush of wind, Michael... I couldn't discern its origin. It left me feeling uneasy..." Gabriel explains, his voice tinged with unease.

Archangel Michael lets out a small chuckle, his tone tinged with a hint of insensitivity, before returning his attention to his final task.

"Oh, Gabriel, perhaps it was just a bird passing by. There's no need to be alarmed." he remarks casually, delving back into his work. However, his dismissive response only serves to heighten Gabriel's unease about what may lie ahead.

Meanwhile, Archangel Raphael raises an eyebrow, regarding Gabriel with curiosity.

"A sudden rush of wind, Gabriel? Well, Michael may have a point. It could simply be the flight of a bird." Raphael suggests, offering a reassuring perspective.

"But, Raphael! It didn't sound like any bird I've ever heard before! It was different, unsettling..." Gabriel struggles to articulate his fear, the unease weighing heavily upon him.

"Now, now, Gabriel. There's no need to fret." Michael interjects, offering soothing headpats in an attempt to calm Gabriel's nerves. However, despite his gentle gesture, Gabriel remains visibly distressed, his fear refusing to abate.

As Archangel Raphael and Michael continue their conversation, seemingly oblivious to Gabriel's distress, Gabriel can't help but feel a pang of offense. Do they truly understand him, or his fear, even for a moment? It doesn't seem so.

Despite their usual camaraderie, the atmosphere is tense as the Archangels stand together. Suddenly, a loud thud reverberates through the air, startling them all. They turn to see the familiar figure of Lucifer.

Gabriel instinctively moves closer to Michael, seeking comfort and protection, while Raphael watches with a sense of unease. Michael, however, feels a surge of frustration and stress at Lucifer's unexpected appearance in the dead of night.

"What brings you here, Luci?" Michael inquired, setting aside his task list to focus his attention on Lucifer.

Gabriel observed the unexpected scene before him, taking in the sight of Lucifer standing motionless in the darkness. The shadows obscured much of Lucifer's appearance, casting an eerie glow around him. Gabriel couldn't help but feel unnerved by the sight, especially by the piercing white glow of Lucifer's eyes in the dim light.

After a tense moment of silence, Michael addressed Lucifer once more. "Lucifer, why aren't you answering us?" he pressed, his tone tinged with concern and growing unease.

"Luci, this isn't funny. I am serious." Michael stated firmly, taking a step closer towards Lucifer. However, Gabriel intervened, gripping Michael's hand tightly to prevent him from advancing any further. The fear in Gabriel's eyes was unmistakable.

"Don't..." Gabriel whispered quietly, his voice barely audible over the growing wind. Yet, Lucifer remained motionless, his presence casting a chilling aura over the scene.

Despite Gabriel's warning, Michael persisted, his frustration mounting. "Lucifer! You are NOT funny anymore!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with urgency and growing concern.

As the wind continued to intensify, Lucifer's mouth parted, but instead of speaking, he broke into a chilling, unnerving smile that sent shivers down the Archangels' spines. Raphael stood frozen in fear, while Michael struggled to find words, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. Gabriel, overcome with fright, could only watch in horror as Lucifer's smile widened, growing increasingly sinister and demonic.

The eerie atmosphere reached its peak as Lucifer's smile became too unsettling for some of the Archangels to bear, causing them to avert their gaze. Just as the tension reached its climax..

the scene abruptly cuts to a void.



Let The Lunacy Begin.