CHAP 1 EP 2 - Seven Keys Await

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Following the events of the previous episode, Six The Intruder found himself burdened with a significant responsibility. Called upon by the two boys for assistance, he readily offered his help. Intruder pledged to support the boys and embark on their journey to save the Archangels... if they were still alive.

Six The Intruder ventured to the opposite side of the sprawling building, approaching the gates of the Church. The entrance resembled the pathway to an abandoned Church.

"Hmm... I think I've found it." Six whispered to himself as he used Michael's key to unlock the gates. With a few noises emanating from the gate, it swung open. Six proceeded along the path to the Church, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

He pushed open the doors of the Church.
Inside, the Church was not completely dark, with some windows casting a red glow from the atmosphere outside. Stepping closer, Six surveyed his surroundings, observing the recent state of abandonment within the Church.

The headset that Six was wearing began ringing again, prompting him to answer the call.

"Hello again! Did you enter the church?" Cesar's voice came through the headset.

"Yeah... The recent appearance of this place seems eerie to look at... So what else should I do here?" Six inquired.

"So you need to find Michael's symbolic necklace. It's always with him, he never takes it off." Cesar explained.

"But once you find it, you must keep it with you. We need the symbolic necklaces so they can reappear again... if the necklace is broken, they won't be able to reappear." Cesar emphasized.

"Got it." Six acknowledged before turning off the headset and resuming his exploration of the Church.

Suddenly, he halted in his tracks, his gaze fixed on the Church windows. As he looked from one window to another, he noticed a shadow swiftly pass by. He was momentarily taken aback by the sight.

"..." Silence enveloped him as he continued to stare at the window, his focus unwavering, determined to confirm whether he had indeed seen a shadow swiftly passing behind the colorful Church windows. The eerie feeling intensified as Six grappled with the realization that he was no longer alone in the Church.

The sense of being watched, of something unseen lurking nearby, sent shivers down his spine. He braced himself for whatever might come next, uncertain of what awaited him in the shadows of the abandoned Church.

Walking towards the figure of Jesus on the Cross, Six gazed at it intently. The figure appeared dirty and significantly damaged, a stark contrast to its sacred symbolism. Six averted his gaze, pressing on to explore elsewhere. He was determined to confront his fears, including facing Lucifer. Suddenly, the ringing of his headset startled him.

Quickly, he answered the call.

"Hey again, Six! I think you are close enough to his key!" Cesar exclaimed.

"But where exactly was it?" Six whispered into the headset, holding it close to his ear.

"That door..." Cesar's voice echoed through the headset.

Six The Intruder glanced at the door nearby, realizing it was likely the one Cesar had hinted at. With cautious steps, he approached the door and slowly pushed it open, the hinges creaking loudly in the silence of the Church.


Six's eyes widened in horror as he beheld Michael's lifeless body. Fear gripped him, his heart pounding in his chest. Never before had he witnessed such a brutal demise of an Archangel like Michael. The sight sent a chill down his spine, filling him with a sense of dread and unease.

The gruesome scene before Six was horrifying beyond words. Michael's lifeless body was crucified on the cross, but in a twisted and grotesque manner... upside down. Blood pooled beneath him, his head bleeding profusely, while his arms and legs bore deep wounds, bleeding heavily. One of his arms appeared bruised, likely from a broken bone, and his once majestic wings lay severed on the floor, now rotten and lifeless. The sheer brutality of Michael's death left Six reeling, his mind struggling to comprehend such cruelty.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT..." Six exclaimed, his hand flying to cover his mouth in shock. He couldn't believe the brutality of Michael's death at the hands of Lucifer. The scene before him was beyond anything he had imagined. It was clear now that Lucifer had descended into a killing machine, a devil consumed by violence and cruelty. The realization sent a shiver down Six's spine, filling him with a deep sense of dread and horror.

"Six? What do you see? WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU SEE?!" Cesar's voice crackled with fear, desperation evident in his tone as he tried to elicit a response from Six through the headset.

"M-M-Michael is crucified brutally, and the cross was upside down!" Six's voice trembled with shock as he relayed the horrifying sight before him. The sheer brutality of Michael's death left him shaken to the core, his words stumbling over each other in disbelief. Cesar's stunned silence on the other end only served to heighten the gravity of the situation.

"The wings are c-cut, his arm is violently bruised, and broken at the same time... I-I-I-" Six struggled to articulate his shock, his words faltering as fear gripped him tighter. Before he could finish his sentence, Cesar interjected.

"I told you, Six! He's involved in something awfully dangerous! This is what happens to angels, to demons like you! He'll end your afterlife in a different, yet equally brutal manner!" Cesar's voice echoed through the headset, his words laced with urgency and warning.

"Also, did you see his necklace?" Cesar's tone softened as he inquired.

Before Six could answer, he scanned Michael's lifeless body, desperately searching for any sign of the necklace.

"... No." Six replied, his voice heavy with disappointment and dread.

"FUCK!" Cesar's exclamation rang out, a mix of frustration and despair evident in his voice. After a moment, he regained his composure.

"Cesar, I think someone took his necklace away. I'll do my best to find it and keep it safe!" Six asserted, bringing the headset closer to his mouth to ensure Cesar heard him clearly.

"All I know is that Lucifer is the one causing this problem, and he's intent on escalating it until some of us can no longer solve it..." Six added, his voice tinged with determination.

"Keep an eye on the security cameras. Use them just in case if you see any figures passing by." Six recommended.

"Noted!" Cesar acknowledged.

Six turned off the headset, keeping the key with him as he exited the church. He left the gates open, just in case they needed to be accessed later.

As he was about to leave the garden, Six noticed another key partially buried in the dirt. He picked it up slowly, examining its appearance... It was Raphael's key... Used to unlock another locked entrance.

Six carefully stowed the key in his pocket before proceeding towards the other locked entrance, determined to uncover more clues and confront the mystery head-on... and the horror he will face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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