Chapter 21

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Austin POV.

"All I want is you Becky." I whisper trying not to wake her up. I play with her hair as her head is resting in my chest.

She starts opening her eyes. "Rise and Shine princesses." I lean to kiss her forehead and she looks up at me. "Becky it seems like you're getting a fever." I start touching her facer and yes in fact she was hotter than usual. "No Its just really hot in here." She said as she took threw the covers to the floor. "Baby you do realize its freezing right now?" I say pulling the blankets to the bed again. "No I don't want to be sick." I laugh at how she was acting like a little girl. "How about I make you some soup and give you some medicine and see if you get better?" She nods and I stand up. I was only in my basketball shorts usually the guys don't mind since they're like that too but we had some guest so I decided to get a muscle shirt.
Before I could walk out Becky called me. "Austin wait.." I step back and look at her. "No te tardes , don't take to long." I smile and walk out my room. I head downstairs to see the guys up. I say good morning to them and then grabbed what I had to get.

"So I'm guessing Becky's sick?" Ella asked. I nod
"I can see you really love her Austin." Lily said. "Of course she's like my first real relationship its crazy." Ella looks at me confused. "What about Camila?" she asks. "Don't get me wrong there Ella I am aware I've dated Camila but I haven't had this connection with my past relationships. Becky she's different we understand each other." I look at the guys and there whispering. "What huh? Y'all got some to say?" They look at me and start laughing once they know I'm playing. "Well man I'm glad Becky makes you happy." Alex says.

"I'll see y'all later I have to take care of my baby." I said and walked upstairs. "Yo we're going to take the girls to the beach y'all can catch up if she feels better" Robert screams.

"Baby, here eat some soup." I say handing her the bowl. She smiles and looks up at me "how did I get so lucky to have a wonderful boyfriend like you?." I blush and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know but I have a rachet girl in my bed." She hits me with the pillow and I start laughing. "Im playing you're the best baby." I kiss her forehead and go sit next to her.

"Babe your fever is 99.9 F°" I look at the thermometer. "Let's hope it doesn't get to 100." she smiles. I swear I don't know why but she's like the best thing I have I'm proud to call her mine!.

"Austin my mom wants you to go talk to my family." She says in a low voice. I look at her and we keep a strong eye contact. I know this is like big step in our relationship. I've talked to her parents when we weren't official, but now we are so its going to be different. "Uhm...okay once you feel better well catch the next flight to California." She hugged me for about a whole minute. "Thanks babe see you're amazing!." I blush and she kisses my cheek. "Should I tell momma Mahone to come join us?" I ask. "That would be great but we should save the family get together for another time babe." She smiles. I understand I should get there permission first then I can bring my Wonderful mother along.

"Mom, Austin said once I feel better well catch the next flight to Cali." She was facetiming her mom I was trying not to shoe my face since I want to look good when I present myself as Becky Boyfriend. "Austin show yourself muchacho (boy) I want to see you." Her mom said. "You'll see me soon Mrs.Gomez this is not a good time to show myself as Becky's boyfriend." I say as I hid under the covers. Not only that but Becky had given me three hickies!. So I got my payback as she was on the phone I was tubing my my fingertips on her thighs causing her to get goosebumps. "Well mom I'll see you soon love you."

She ended the call and looked at me. "You think its funny to tease me while I'm on the phone with my mother." She smiled and I nodded. She got on top of me and we started making out when suddenly. "Aye Austin do you have the red-" Becky got off of me falling into the floor. "Oh sorry." Zach said. I laughed and checked if Becky was okay. "Be careful becky..anyways do you have the red jackets hoodie?" Zach asked. "Yes its in my closet its the first thing you see." He walked in and got it. "Hope you feel better Becky and uh yeah bye guys have fun." He shut the door and we started laughing.

That was the awkwardest thing ever. "Austin can we just watch a movie for the rest of the day?." I nod and hand her the control so she could choose.

We ended up watching about 3 scary movies. "Baby your temperature seems to have gone back to normal." She smiles "well cause I have the best boyfriend ever and he took care of me." She said and I kiss her.

"If only you knew how happy I am that you're mine." I said. "If only you knew how much I love you Austin."

The rest of the day went by fast I took her out to eat and we had a picnic at the park. At the end of the day we ended up at her house.

"Baby stay with me." She stated. I couldnt say no because I would love to stay with her, so I went inside. We fell asleep quickly since we were both tired , but we had an amazing day together.


Im sorry I haven't updated the story. I've been busy lately but I'll update soon I promise.

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