Chapter 6

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Becky POV

¨babe im getting dizzy¨

¨oh yeah sorry i just love having you in my arms¨

He put me down and hugged me again once again we looked into each others eyes and smiled

*ring ring*

¨we have to get to class we dont want to be late¨ i said as I picked up my bag from the floor

¨time goes by so fast when im by you babe¨

¨here ill walk you to class¨ Austin said as he held my hand i felt so happy just knowing that he is mine

As we walk I feel someone running behind me I turn and it was Karla and Carlos

¨uhmm Austin¨i said fast and turning him around

¨guys calm down¨ Austin said to them as he laughed

¨Bro I knew you liked Becky since the party¨carlos told Austin

¨Congratulations wish yall the best¨ Karla said with a big smile on her face

Shes the best then Karla says bye to Carlos and Austin and she pulls me to go with her

¨Karla let me say bye to my girl first!¨ Austin said as he tried catching up to us

¨ okay hurry up guys¨ she says and lets me go

¨See you in lunch baby i love you¨ he says and kisses me on the cheek

¨hehe see you in lunch babe¨ i said with a smile on my face and gave him a quick hug

Karla pulls me once again

¨we are going to be late becky...Bye austin¨she said waving at Austin goodbye..

When we arrived to class i saw we had a substitute teacher

¨YES ITS MS.LINDY !!!¨ Karla said with excitement

I havent had her substitute any of my other classes im guessing shes cool because Karla seems really happy shes here

¨Is that all the students in this class?¨ Ms.Lindy asked

¨yes!¨ the whole class said

¨alright¨ then she took the role

¨okay I recognize some of you¨ she said as she looked around

¨your teacher left some work for yall but ive been in the same spot as yall have and i know its boring doing work so yall can listen to music and use yalls phone as long as yall do yall work if i see that yall arent doing the work i will take your phone up okay i am a cool substitute teacher as long ass yall do the work with that said yall may beging working¨

Now i see why Karla was so happy to see her I got my phone out and i saw i had a messege from Austin

¨missing you already :) :*¨

¨miss you to babe¨

¨Becky!¨ Karla said as she was tapping on my desk

¨sorry Austin texted me¨

¨Becky I know you like Austin but what if Camila comes back wont she be mad? or what if Ri-¨

¨SHH look Karla if Austin likes me i dont think Camila will get in our way second dont mention Ricardo again¨ I said i was sort of mad she knows i dont like talking about ricardo and well true if Austin likes me Camila shouldnt be an issue.

¨im sorry..¨

¨its okay Karla just you know i dont like to talk about Ricardo¨

¨i know sorry becky¨

¨its okay now lets drop the topic and lets work on this¨

we then stared working and starte talking about going on a double date


When the lunch bell rang i grabbed my stuff but then i thought about Ricardo..Its not something i like remembering..

When i walked out of class i saw Austin waiting for me

¨Babe!!¨ he said and hugged me tight

¨Austin¨ i said with not a lot of excitement

¨whats wrong?¨

¨nothing lets go eat¨

Karla catches up and i knew Austin was asking Karla what was wrong

¨Austin nothing is wrong im just hungry okay¨i said trying to smile

¨m if you say so babe eventhough i dont believe you but im here to make you happy¨

Hes so sweet that i just forgot about what i was thinking and held him thightly in my arms


Austin was sweet to me the whole day he took me out to eat and made me laugh

¨baby never forget i love you okay and now that you are mine nothing and no one is going to come between us¨

¨Of course babe i love you with all my heart¨

He drove me to my house when he got a flat tire good thing we got to my house just in time

¨if you want you can stay over babe i got some pjs from my dad when he came with my mom to visit and tomorrow we dont have school so nothing to worry about¨

¨Is it okay if i stay?¨

¨yes theres no problem¨

He then parked and came in

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