Chapter 22

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Becky POV.

"Are you sure this is a good thing?" Austin asked I could see his eyes getting watery. "Baby its been stressful. Ever since I moved to California with my family its been hard coming here to visit you." I said. This is not what I want , its something that is needed.

"I understand its sad when I'm on my way to see you and then you say ' I already left ' , but what about our love ? What about our promises ?. Becky I love you !" He said walking around his room.

"Baby trust me I don't want this. You suggested this last time I mean you're big now Austin you're famous you have girls that love you!." I said , but honestly the fact that he has a lot of girls that love him gets me jealous.

"Becky my fans love you and I just suggested it but I didn't mean it I was stupid to even say that! And come on your as big too your songs are been great.!" He said. "Look ever since that music video of Dirty work people had rumors that we broke up so it wouldn't be hard if we say we did they already think that." I said.

Austin POV

I don't know how this can be happening right now!. "Becky I love you. You don't understand what if we move in together ?!" I said, but who was I kidding we're still young moving in together is a big deal.

"Austin this is temporary you know I have to go on a tour then your album might come out soon and then you'll go on a tour there isn't enough time for us" she said. I think she just doesn't want to be with me.

"You love him don't you. You've lost feelings for me that's it right? If you want us to break up to be with him okay as long as your happy. In my next interview if they ask I'll confirm it." This is the worst day of my life. My breakup with Camila was less difficult than this since we weren't as public.

"Austin I only love you!" She stood up and kissed me. "This isn't forever baby" she grabbed my face with her little hands. "Well get together soon you're still my boy." She gave me one last kiss and she wiped a tear from my face.

"I guess." I said and I stood there in silence.

"I should get going before I miss my plane back home." She stood up and put her arms out for a hug. I gave her the tightest hug and said "I love you so much." She nodded and grabbed her keys and left.

As soon as she left the guys came up to my room. "Dude what happened?!" Asked zach. "We broke up well she did with me." I said and I just sat on my bed. "Dude its okay don't be upset." Robert said. "Don't let this bring you down bro its all good don't cry if you do I got you." AC Said. "All I want to avoid in my next interview is for them to ask about Becky." I let out a loud sigh. " I just love her man she ment a lot to me I thought we were meant to be." After I said that Robert looked at me. "Dude where's your nose ring?" I point at the table in front of me. "It didn't want to get back in after it fell." I said. I guess Becky isnt the only that is not meant to be with me.

*Day Of Interview*

"So Austin how are you and Becky G?" Great the question I was trying to avoid. I kept a smile though I wanted to cry so bad. "We kinda broke up like a few days ago. Just like because were so busy traveling and all of that. We just thought you know it would be best if we just chill for a second , but were still super close we're close friends." I tried not to cry. This break up has been hard I'm not going to lie I love her.
After the interview I called Becky.

"Hey uhm they asked me about you well us." I said trying not to sound upset.
"Oh yeah? Uhm so I guess you told them that its over." She said. "Yeah pretty much so I guess the becstin supporters are going to be upset after watching." I said trying to add some humor.

"Yeah probably well I'll talk to you later I have to start packing." She said. She wasn't lying when she said we we're busy most of the time. "Okay I'll let you go I uhm love you becky." I heard her giggle. " I love you to Austin bye." And with that I continued my day without hearing anything else about her.


I still can't believe they broke up , but they'll get back in this fanfic and I hope in real life too. I'm sorry this chapter is so short I'll do better next time .

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