I was outside of raven's apartment and knocked.
There was no answer.
"Raven? It's mylo."
I waited for a minute. The door then opened, raven was there.
"Hey mylo. come in."
I came in, and the door closed.
"Follow me. There's some friends i want you to meet."
I followed her to her living room, seeing a man and a woman.
"Who's this?" The woman asked.
"This is mylo, Mylo that is Quinn, and the dude is Benjamin. You can call him ben for short.
I sitted down on a chair that was facing them.
"So, what did you wanted to ask?"
"Well, I was wondering- Wait, is that a dragon on your face?"
"Yeah. I told you i was out with my sister and she made me get this, I can wash it off if-"
"No no! It looks.. Hot."
I chuckled.
"Anyways, i was gonna ask.. Do you wanna join our crew?"
"What? really?"
"Yeah, We need someone like you. I saw you shootin' that guy before we met and.. When you were captured."
"Who do you work for?"
"Wakako. We get paid alot of money. She even gave me a car for joinin'."
"I got a shitload of money." Quinn said.
"You Lads got money and a car? All she gave me is nothing."
"That's because your shit, ben."
"You shut your fucking mouth!"
"Hey stop it!"
Raven sighed.
"So are you in?"
Raven turned to me. I thought, before saying
"Fuck it, count me in."
Raven smiled.
"First things first, Talk with wakako. Gotta make it official, I'll drive you."
(TIMESKIP!! 1 month btw)
I got into a car and started it's engine. Then i got a call from wakako.
"A man called. Said his wife is captured by maelstrom. Sending you the location and details."
I got the message, and drove to the location. I parked, getting out of the car. I saw a camera and turned it off by hacking it. I walked a warehouse and saw some members. I got my gun out, and shot one.
"YOUR DE-" Before the man could say his sentence, i shot him straight in the head. Blood pooled around him, and i took cover.
I shot all of them and walked out. I forced open a door seeing a woman who is crying in the corner of the room she was in.
"Get up."
"Huh..? Who are you?"
"Your husband sent me."

"Legend of the afterlife."
FanfictionIn night city, legends are born. Some are ruthless, some take power for granted. As someone once told me, you can die alone or die a legend. That caused me to mature, taking risks. At the age of 7, I was weak. I only played with dollies, letting wea...