Chapter 1: Lucifer's Arrival.

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Alastor was in his radio room. He was going to make a broadcast on every radio in Hell. He smirked as he clicked the button that lit up his 'ON AIR' sign outside. He then started to speak over it in his radio voice. "Hello, cowardly sinners of Hell!~" Everyone looked up to hear what Alastor had to say. Even Lucifer, who was on his way to the Hotel Charlie told him so much about. "Alastor here, and today, I want to talk about the Hazbin Hotel!~ Just down the street from where you are now~" He laughed a bit loudly. Lucifer tilted his head. He had no idea whose voice that was. And more importantly, who listened to radio anymore? Was this guy that outdated that he still made broadcasts over a radio instead of television. Though, TV did scramble the brain, as he hadn't been watching much, anyway. So who was he to complain about others?

He just ignored his broadcast and walked to the Hotel. He stopped at the front door. He read the sign. "Hazbin Hotel, huh?" He just dusted off himself before knocking on the door. Charlie opened the door happily before gasping and hugging him. "Dad!~ What are you doing here?" She asked, Lucifer just hugged back and smiled. "I came to see my daughter, of course. And possibly... get a room?" Charlie's face lit up. "You want to stay here.. at the hotel?!" He nodded softly. "Of course, my darling daughter." She let go and grabbed his hand, dragging him into the hotel. He looked around, sort of judging the scenery. Or that's what it looked like. "Sorry it doesn't look good," Charlie started, sighing. "I... wasn't expecting any guests, especially my own father, and no other rooms are really ready so.. I don't know where you'll stay." Lucifer thought before having a lightbulb moment.

"Aha! What if... I just stay, in another residents room? Kinda like... a roommate?" Charlie nodded at that idea before she frowned. "There are sort of... two problems with that. One, there's only one bed in each room. And two, I don't know who would want to pair with you... that's not, weird..." She was hinting to a spider in the room at the bar who was drinking and flirting with the bartender. "That's Husk, the bartender and Angel Dust, our first genuine resident. But one's a drunk and the other might.. fuck you in your sleep. So I don't think you want those two." Lucifer just made a grossed out face. "Yeah, no." He chuckled at that. Charlie turned her head to the little demon running about, stabbing the floor as bugs ran from her. "What about her?" Lucifer asked, Charlie looked back at him before covering his mouth. "Fuck no!" She yelled before realizing what she said. Lucifer looked at her, surprised.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat before she started talking again. "I mean, no. I wouldn't. That's Niffty. She's uhm, our housekeeper who keeps the Hotel nice and clean. However, I would not wanna stay with her, but if you're okay with dying in your sleep... or waking up to her staring at you." Lucifer shivered a bit and sighed. "Guess not." He said. He definitely wouldn't want to be creeped out. Charlie looked somewhere and Lucifer followed her gaze to some moth girl. "That's Vaggie," she started, "my girlfriend. And she sleeps with me. So sleeping in her room is off limits... haha." Lucifer nodded before his expression changed to one of surprise. "You like... girls?! Me too! We have so much in common!" Charlie laughed a bit at Lucifer's words before looking at a snake.

"That's Sir Pentious. But he usually sleeps with his eggs, so he probably wouldn't be willing to accept any more guests." He understood and nodded. "And the last person is..." She sighed as she felt his presence. A red, tall, guy appeared behind Charlie. He seemed to be half-deer, considering the ears, antlers, and the small tail he had wagging in the back. He smiled big as Charlie turned around. "Alastor!" She yelled out as she attempted to hug him, he just backed up slightly. He didn't seem like he liked hugs. Alastor... where had he heard this name before.? He was sure he could've heard it. Or was he hearing things? He didn't know. But he soon figured out as the male began to speak. "Well, hello, Charlie~"

It was a radio voice. This... this was that guy on the radio broadcast! He just looked him up and down before Alastor walked up to him and bowed. "And you must be the big man himself~ My name is Alastor~ Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart, quite a pleasure!~" He grabbed Lucifer's cane and shook it, causing his hat to cover his eyes. "Though, you are much shorter in real life~" Lucifer rolled his eyes at the comment on his height. "Yeah, haha, who the fuck are you, exactly? The bellhop?" Alastor's smile just grew and he shrugged. "Ha, no! I am Charlie's helper! The basically owner of this fine establishment. Perhaps you've heard of me from my radio broadcasts?~" Lucifer laughed at that. He never heard of him, even if he did hear him for a few moments prior to arriving.

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