Chapter 2: Lucifer's Nightmare.

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Alastor continued to try and wake him, but to no avail, he stayed sleeping. Maybe his nightmare was worse than he thought? Lucifer tossed and turned in bed, he looked panicked, and in pain. What type of nightmare was he having? Unexpectedly, Lucifer starts to sleep talk. But at first it sounded like gibberish and nonsense. At closer inspection, he was able to make out a few words. I'm sorry, I am a terrible father, please don't leave me...Lilith. Alastor's ears twitched at that name. Lilith. He was having a nightmare... about his ex-wife. This was so messed up. Even though he hated him, he felt bad for what he was going through. He needed to help somehow. But how?? He kneeled beside him, tilting his head as he started to listen more closely. Don't leave me... Lucifer said, curling up. Don't leave...Charlie. Alastor sighed. The thing he hated most, more than Lucifer, was Lilith.

In Lucifer's dream...

"Lilith! Where are you going?" Lucifer asked his wife, Lilith. "Insane, most definitely. Listen, I made a deal with someone, and they have me on chain, we... have to divorce. Or else we'll both die." She said, shoving Lucifer away from her. "You mean... I can't still see you?" Lilith shook her head. "I'm sorry, Luci. Take care of Charlie for me, yeah?" She said before walking up to the front door. "Wait! You're not even going to take Charlie? You can leave me, but you can't just abandon Charlie! That's not right..." He went to his knees and started to sob and cry as he covered his eyes with his hands. "They said I have to leave her. But hey, once I figure out how to stop this deal, I will come back for you. Just you wait for me. I love you and Charlie very much." She took off her ring and sat it on a shelf before walking out of there. She closed the door behind her as Lucifer continued to sob. He punched the ground in rage, causing golden blood to ooze from his fist. "Damn it..." He said as he started to take out a paper towel and clean up the blood on the floor. Charlie, wobbled over to him, seeing the blood. She then started to cry, gaining Lucifer's attention. He hugged her softly. "What's wrong, my little jellybean...?"

"Daddy's bleeding..." She said, Lucifer was just surprised how she knew he was hurting. "Hey, don't cry Char-Char... look, daddy's fine, see?" He let go of her and showed her his fist as he regenerated. Charlie's face turned from a frown to a smile. "Daddy's alright!" She yelled out, Lucifer wiped her tears away. "Now cheer up, sweetie. We got to get you to bed. Mommy's busy, and she won't be back for a while, but it won't be long! Hopefully..." Charlie nodded as he picked her up and carried her to her crib, lying her in it. He covered her up before kissing her forehead. "Night, apple pie..." She yawned and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He groaned before he kicked at a wall. It hurt, sure, but he deserved it. Maybe Lilith was trying to break up with him without being harsh? Maybe... no, Lilith wouldn't do that. She's faithful and lovely. She would've told him. Wouldn't she? Yeah, she would. Just then, he heard a voice that sounded familiar. "LUCIFER! WAKE UP!" He titled his head, where was that voice coming from? It sounded like... "Alastor?!" He yelled back. No response came back, though. "ALASTOR? WHERE ARE YOU?! Fuck..." He started to frantically look around for Alastor. "WAKE UP, LUCIFER!"

That's when he came back to reality and woke up. He sat up fast, drenched in sweat. "Lucifer, you're awake, my dear!~" Lucifer looked over at him confused. "What..? What happened...?" Alastor just smiled before patting his head. "Nothing for your short self to worry about, my dear~" Lucifer glared at him before shoving him away. "What time is it?" He asked, Alastor just smirked and laughed. "Time for you to get a watch! Haha!" Alastor told a dad joke, and that's what really pissed Lucifer off. He got out of his bed and slipping into duck slippers he somehow had on him. "Is it still night?" Alastor shook his head. "Nope, you've slept all night, but not peaceful. I tried to wake you, but you never responded to me, soo... I kept trying." Lucifer sighed before grabbed his cane and waving it, magically making his clothes change. He grabbed his hat and sat it upon his head. He quickly waved it again, changing his clothes as well. "There you go, might as well go down and make breakfast." Lucifer said as he walked out of the room, leaving the radio demon alone.


(826 words!!)

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