Chapter 4: The Great Feast.

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(Read till the end👀)

Charlie was still scatterbrained as she tried to figure out what else to do to bring sinners to the hotel, not just some huge feast. Though, she was happy about that. Meanwhile, Lucifer was busy in the kitchen, making all sorts of food. And all had something in common. They were all shaped into ducks. It wasn't unusual for him to be doing this, and he was having quite the time of his life. Until, Alastor appeared behind him. "Why, hello, my dear~" Startled by his voice, he turned around and kicked Alastor right in the knee. He grunted a bit before holding his knee. Lucifer chuckled a bit nervously when he realised that it was Alastor. "You're a little scaredy man, aren't you?~" Lucifer quickly shook his head. "No... I wasn't scared, I'm sorry. I genuinely didn't mean to do that. I was just... not expecting that." Alastor got close to his face before mumbling. "Scared~" Lucifer pushed his face away from his, glaring as the blush crept on his face a bit. "Just shut up, what did you need, anyway?" He asked, Alastor returned the question with a big smile.

"Well, I was wanting to know, since we're having this big feast, how will sinners know to come here?~" That was a question that made Lucifer think hard. How would demons know to come here? He then smiled, as he had an idea of what to do. "I can make invitations! And you are a radio host, aren't you? Can't you make a broadcast of the directions and tell them about what's going on?" Alastor just put his finger up to his chin like he was debating on this. "Hmm," he said, tapping his finger on his chin repeatedly. He stayed quiet for a bit, which was pissing Lucifer off. He shrugged before actually continuing. "Fair enough, I can do that~" Lucifer groaned and facepalmed. "Finally! Took you long enough... now I'm going to work on the invitations as I cook, you go broadcast it."

Alastor just chuckled and disappeared into the ground. Lucifer rolled his eyes and got back to working on his cooking. He even made paper appear so he could work on that, too. Alastor came from the ground into his radio station room, looking around. It was quiet and no one was there. He approached the desk and sat down, pressing the button. His 'ON AIR' sign turned on before he began speaking into the microphone. "Hello cowardly sinners of Hell!~" He shouted to make sure everyone heard him. They all looked over at the radio to listen to what Alastor had to say. "Hungry, anyone?~ Tired of looking for prey or something to eat?~" He asked. "Well, look no further!~ At the Hazbin Hotel, you can obtain free food, as long as you agree that you'll try to be redeemed and stay here~ I know it sounds bad to all of you, but wouldn't you all want free food?~"

Some of the demons looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Alastor's shadow had been watching over them to see how they'd react to such a news. Alastor then continued as he grabbed the microphone and leaned back in his chair. "And if food doesn't tempt you, we have a very kind bartender who will be willing to make you a few drinks~ there's no limit on how much you can drink~" The sinners stayed quiet, blinking slowly. "Did I mention that it was... free?~" They then started to cheer at finding out that it was free. They wanted it badly. So badly, that Alastor knew they would be willing to get redeemed. "Anyway, if you do come, dress well, please~ This feast actually needs to look decent~" He saw them whisper and talk amongst their selves, finally nodding and agreeing.

"Alrighty, then~ that's all I have to say besides the fact that Lucifer, King of Hell himself, will deliver all of you an invitation specially made by him~" He laughed and hovered his hand over the button. "This was your host, Alastor, signing off~ Have a terrible day in Hell, sinners~" He then pressed the button, turning off his sign and stopping the broadcast. He sat his microphone down and stood up. "Might as well check on the shortie and see how he's doing~" He sunk into the floor and appeared a good distance behind Lucifer, just so he wouldn't get kicked again. He saw him busily cooking and folding papers, using scissors to cut them as well. He saw how much dishes he made that all took the form of a duck. His eyes then landed on the invitations he was making at the same time as the food, and saw they were shaped like ducks too, but didn't have anything written in them. "How are things going, shortie?~" He asked in his normal teasing voice.

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