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Catherine Williams is a Nigerian author whose keen interest began at the tender age of ten. Her first ever creation was the remake of the classic—Cinderella story, to which she amateurishly named 'Once Upon A Time In A Twist In Time'. Although she seemed so eager to write a book during that hot summer of 2015, she didn't make it past chapter two.

The resurrection of her want to write emerged in the fall of 2018, when she got introduced to Wattpad by a classmate who at that time was currently writing on the app herself. How intrigued the young Catherine was when she heard a book on the platform was going to become a movie. It was as though a renaissance of her writing-hood was suddenly set upon her in that tenth grade classroom. And before she knew it, she initiated herself into the application by creating first ever account. '@drealempress'—she had as her username.

She knew why she was there, it wasn't to read. Yes, a thirty percent part of her was there to read the stories the app had to offer. But the seventy was the urge to start her own book for the world to gaze upon. But she knew she had to brush up her skills first, in order for her first ever book not to seem like a joke written by a thirteen year old newbie. So she spent months surfing the platform, reading from book to book, analyzing what majority of the audience liked, and fully decided on what she was going to write.

As she read, she found many books she wasn't pleased by either the plot buildup, or the ending flatly annoyed her, or it was some characters that irked her brown coloured skin. Almost to the point of inwardly resenting some authors who didn't even know she  existed in the first place. With her frustration in finding a book that she wouldn't complain about, she finally decided to tap the pen icon on the bottom right of her cracked screen.

Ever so determined to write a story that wouldn't anger her like the way the ones she was unfortunate to set eyes upon, she racked her brain and ideas effortlessly ran through her imagination like a fountain that would never run dry. In fact, the current was so strong, the stories came like the insurmountable waves of a tsunami. And in March of the nineteenth year of the 21st century, a writer was born.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2024 ⏰

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