Part -1

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The click of the camera echoed through the studio, punctuated by the soft murmur of instructions and the rustle of assistants adjusting lights. Mackenyu Arata, a vision of sculpted masculinity, stood frozen in the spotlight, his face a canvas for the day's campaign: a bold red lipstick. The photographer, a man with an eagle eye for detail, frowned. The lip marks, courtesy of various members of the female staff, looked amateurish, smudged and unconvincing.

Suddenly, his gaze darted across the room, landing on Hana, Mackenyu's stoic manager, standing discreetly in the corner. An idea sparked in his eyes. He beckoned her closer, his voice laced with amusement. "Hana-san," he said, "I need your magic touch. These lip marks"

Hana, ever the professional, approached with a neutral expression. Taking the proffered lipstick, she applied a precise line to her own lips, the color complementing her sharp cheekbones. Then, with practiced ease, she leaned in and pressed a kiss onto Mackenyu's cheek, leaving a perfect, natural-looking lip mark.

The photographer's eyes widened in approval. "Brilliant! Now, do it again, but this time..." he trailed off, a mischievous glint in his eye, "...a little lower."

Hana, ever the composed professional, followed his instructions, each kiss landing with practiced precision. But as she leaned in for the third time, something unexpected happened. Mackenyu, his gaze locked on hers, turned his head slightly. Their lips met in a sudden, unexpected kiss.

Hana froze, her mind reeling. Mackenyu, the enigmatic idol rumored to be in a relationship with fellow actor Kento Yamazaki, was kissing her? Her heart hammered against her ribs, a chaotic counterpoint to the stunned silence that had fallen over the room.

But the shock wasn't just hers. Just then, the studio doors swung open, revealing Kento Yamazaki, Mackenyu's supposed lover, entering with a carefree smile. His smile faltered as his eyes landed on the scene before him. The kiss. The raw emotion on Hana's face. The flicker of something unreadable in Mackenyu's eyes.

Kento had noticed lately how Mackenyu couldn't stop talking about Hana, his gaze lingering on her a beat too long. He, too, had harbored a secret interest in the beautiful, enigmatic manager. Now, witnessing this unexpected kiss, a storm of emotions brewed within him – jealousy, confusion, and a strange sense of betrayal.

The photoshoot continued, but the air crackled with unspoken tension. Three hearts entangled in a web of desire, secrets, and unspoken truths. The perfect lip print had been captured, but the real drama had just begun.

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