Part - 2

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The drive to Mackenyu's house was an eternity for Hana. Every stolen glance his way sent shivers down her spine, a confusing mix of excitement and apprehension. The kiss, unexpected and electrifying, had thrown her world into disarray. How could the man she thought was happily in love with Kento suddenly kiss her like that? The very thought of Kento, watching intently at the studio, sent another tremor through her.

Pulling up to his driveway, Hana finally spoke, her voice strained. "Here you go."

Mackenyu mumbled a thanks, avoiding her gaze as he exited the car. Hana watched him walk towards his house, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. Relief washed over her as she drove away, the kiss's aftershocks still tingling on her skin.

Inside the house, a different drama unfolded. Kento, who had arrived moments earlier, paced impatiently. The kiss. He couldn't get it out of his head. The way Mackenyu had looked at Hana, the raw hunger in his eyes – it was undeniable.

As Mackenyu entered, Kento confronted him, his voice laced with frustration. "Why did you do that?"

Mackenyu, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a guarded silence, walked past him towards the stairs.

Kento wouldn't be ignored. He grabbed Mackenyu's arm, his grip tight. "Did you like her, Mackenyu?"

Hesitantly, Mackenyu admitted, "Yes, she's..." He paused, searching for the right words. "But that doesn't change anything between us, Kento. You know I love you."

"Do you?" Kento challenged, his voice thick with emotion. "Because lately, all you talk about is Hana. The way you look at her..."

A confession tumbled out of Kento's lips, startling even himself. "I like her too, Mackenyu. But I barely know her."

Kento's words hung heavy in the air, an unexpected confession that had cracked open the carefully constructed facade of their relationship. Mackenyu stared at him, reeling from the shock. His own confession about Hana had thrown him into turmoil, and now Kento's admission threw more fuel onto the fire.

"You're… interested in her too?" Mackenyu finally managed to ask, his voice rough with disbelief.

Kento nodded, his gaze holding Mackenyu's. "Yeah. I haven't known her long, but there's something about her…" He trailed off, unable to fully articulate the pull he felt towards Hana


Kento's confession hung heavy in the air, leaving Mackenyu reeling. His supposed rock, his partner in love and life, also harbored feelings for Hana. What was happening? What did it mean for them?

After a long, tense silence, Kento spoke again, his voice surprisingly calm. "Look, I won't lie, I'm interested in her too. But that doesn't change anything between us. Remember that time in Osaka? We shared a woman, it was nothing serious, just physical."

Mackenyu shook his head, his voice filled with frustration. "This isn't like that, Kento. Back then, it wasn't about feelings. Hana... she's different. It's not just her looks, it's who she is. She's smart, funny, strong. I actually like her.This isn't just about a fling."

His words hung in the air, challenging Kento's easy dismissal. The weight of Mackenyu's sincerity was impossible to ignore. Kento felt a pang of jealousy, a possessiveness he hadn't felt in years. But he also knew their relationship, however carefully constructed, couldn't be built on lies and unspoken desires.

Kento considered his words, a flicker of understanding dawning in his eyes. "Okay, I get it. And… you wouldn't mind if I, you know, tried to get to know her too?"

Taking a deep breath, Kento surprised himself with his next words. "Then help me get close to her."

Mackenyu blinked, his surprise mirroring Kento's. "What?"

"You heard me. You know her better than I do. Help me get to know her, like the real her, not just the beautiful manager everyone sees."

The proposition was outrageous, yet weirdly, not unwelcome. Perhaps it was Kento's unexpected vulnerability, or maybe it was a twisted sense of wanting to keep Hana close, even if he couldn't have her for himself. Whatever the reason, Mackenyu found himself nodding, drawn into this bizarre pact.

Mackenyu hesitated. The thought of sharing Hana with Kento, even in the tentative, exploratory way Kento proposed, was unsettling. Yet, he couldn't deny the truth in Kento's words: they had navigated unconventional terrain before. And perhaps, the genuine interest they both shared in Hana could pave the way for a new kind of understanding, a more open and honest dynamic in their own relationship.

Taking a deep breath, he met Kento's gaze. "No, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I might even be able to help."

A relieved smile touched Kento's lips. "You would? Really?"

"Alright," he said, the words tinged with both trepidation and a strange excitement. "But I gotta warn you, Kento, Hana's not easily swayed. And neither am I, for that matter. it's her heart we're vying for. And she deserves someone who truly appreciates her for who she is."

Kento smiled, a hint of his old mischief returning. "Wouldn't have it any other way, my friend. This is going to be interesting."

Their agreement hung in the air, a pact forged in the aftermath of unexpected revelations. The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with potential heartbreak and unforeseen consequences. But for now, as the first rays of dawn painted the sky with streaks of light, a fragile truce had been formed. Two men, bound by love and desire, would embark on a shared pursuit, determined to win the heart of a woman who had unwittingly thrown their carefully constructed world into disarray.


The next day, Hana arrived at Mackenyu's apartment feeling a knot of apprehension twist in her stomach. The memory of the kiss hung heavy in the air, making her feel exposed and strangely guilty. Even though she arrived at the designated time, Mackenyu was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she found Kento lounging in the living room, waiting for his own manager.

Their eyes met, and Hana felt a flush creep up her neck. An awkward silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the air conditioner. Finally, Kento broke the ice, his smile warm and disarming.

"Good morning, Hana," he greeted, his voice soft and friendly.

Hana returned the smile, albeit hesitantly. "Good morning, Kento."

He chuckled lightly. "I must say, I saw what happened yesterday at the shoot."

Hana's blush deepened, and she instinctively looked away. Kento, noticing her discomfort, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her arm.

"Don't worry, Hana," he said, his voice gentle. "These things happen sometimes. Mackenyu feels bad about it too, I can tell."

His words, surprisingly comforting, eased the tension within Hana. The fact that Kento seemed to understand, or at least accept, the situation allowed her to relax a little. As if on cue, Mackenyu emerged from his room, looking slightly sheepish.

The sight of him brought a wave of relief to Hana. The awkwardness between them had dissipated, replaced by a newfound normalcy. They exchanged greetings, briefly discussed the day's schedule, and then headed out, leaving Kento alone in the apartment.

As the door closed behind them, Kento watched their retreating figures with a curious glint in his eyes. A slow, knowing smirk played on his lips. He leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping silently against the armrest. The game had begun, and he was determined to play it his way. Hana, oblivious to the silent battle unfolding behind her, walked beside Mackenyu, content in the fragile peace that had settled between them. Little did she know, the calm was merely the eye of the storm, and the true test of their hearts had yet to come.

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