Part - 3

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city, Hana pulled up behind Mackenyu's trailer. He emerged, humming a cheerful tune, oblivious to the worry etched on her face. They'd returned to a semblance of normalcy after Kento's unexpected understanding, yet a knot of unease remained in Hana's chest.

Mackenyu slid into the passenger seat, noticing her pensive expression. "Everything okay?" he asked, concern creasing his brow.

Hana hesitated, unsure how to share the burden that suddenly felt heavier. Finally, she blurted out, "My landlord is selling the house. He gave me last-minute notice, and now I have to find a new place."

Mackenyu's humming ceased, replaced by a frown. "Oh, no. How long do you have?"

"Just a few days," Hana sighed, guilt gnawing at her. Today's hectic shoot had devoured the time she could have spent searching for a new home.

Silence stretched between them, the weight of her predicament pressing down. She stole a glance at Mackenyu, searching for support.

As if sensing her need, he spoke, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Listen, I have a few extra rooms in my house. Why don't you move in with me? It would be temporary, of course, until you find a permanent place."

Hana's eyes widened in surprise. The offer was unexpected, almost too good to be true. Living with Mackenyu, after the charged kiss and Kento's presence, felt like venturing into uncharted territory.

"I don't know, Mackenyu," she stammered, her cheeks flushing. "Wouldn't that be... inconvenient?"

He chuckled, a soft, melodious sound. "Not at all. We're used to each other, and having someone around might be nice actually. Think about it, Hana. It's just a temporary solution, and it would take the pressure off your house hunt."

Mackenyu finished, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Think about it, you wouldn't have to worry about the commute anymore, and it'd save you the stress of finding a new place on such short notice."

Hana considered his words, her apprehension battling with the practical advantages. Hana's mind raced. Living under the same roof as Mackenyu, especially after the charged kiss and Kento's unexpected confession, would undoubtedly complicate things.The idea of living under the same roof as Mackenyu, a man who stirred an unnerving mix of attraction and confusion in her, was certainly daunting. Yet, the practicality of the offer was undeniable. It would solve her immediate problem and grant her some much-needed breathing room.

Taking a deep breath, she met his gaze. "I'll... I'll think about it, Mackenyu. Thank you for offering."

Mackenyu nodded, understanding glimmering in his eyes. "Take your time. But know that the offer stands."

As they drove away, Hana couldn't help but glance back at the receding cityscape. The decision weighed heavily on her, a crossroads where practicality collided with the tangled emotions swirling within her. Moving in with Mackenyu would offer a solution, but would it also open doors to new complications, perhaps even heartbreak? Only time would tell, and as Hana navigated the uncertain path ahead, one thing was clear: things just got a whole lot more interesting.


Mackenyu pushed open the door, the day's filming finally behind him. As he entered the living room, he found Kento sprawled on the couch, eyes glued to the TV. A quiet smile played on his lips, a stark contrast to the tension that had shadowed them lately.

With a sigh, Mackenyu sank down beside him, leaning his head against Kento's shoulder. Kento instinctively reached out, his fingers gently brushing through Mackenyu's hair. It was a familiar gesture, one that spoke of their long-standing bond, a silent comfort in the midst of the storm brewing within them.

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