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"Oh come on Nene-Chan! Your boss can't be that mean...can he?", a girl with purple hair and big purple eyes asks. She is...

My best friend and Usual customer Aoi!

"But he won't give me a raise and I've been working extra shifts and been getting employee of the month....!" I complain to her.

"And I'm the only worker here who doesn't skip!"
I finish the sentence.

"Well maybe it's time to get a new job...?" She suggests.

A new job...? A new job?! I think to myself, Is she insane!

"Aoi I can't possibly get a new job! The only thing I'm good at is cleaning counters and making drinks and...and...taking orders!" I panicked.

We look at each other, exchanging looks.


We look beside each other to see a whole stack of news papers.

I pick them up putting them at the stand by the couches, the front page catches my eye and I take one for myself...

"Aoi! Aoi! Look!"

I go back behind the counter showing it to her.

"The prince ran away a few days ago!"


"Wait...the prince ran away?!" Aoi shouts.

"Yeah...but we don't know how he looks like do we...?"

"Oh come on Nene-Chan! You have been wanting a prince to sweep you of the floor! The prince could be the one for you!" Aoi says suddenly changing tone.

I think about it for awhile until it actually hits me.... The prince...has ran away....!

"WHAT?!" I shout

"Woah! Calm down I didn't know you were that excited" Aoi giggles.

"I-I mean like...he could never fall for someone like me with my big ankles!" I exclaim...

"Oh but he could...."

"But he wouldn't!"

"But he couldddd..."

"He won't."

I sigh at the thought, Maybe he's handsome..?

"I mean we don't even know how he looks like Aoi...." I say in a disappointed voice.

"Well...you should probably keep that thought..."


We continue talking about anything else we could just speak about, until I checked the time... 8:38 PM it says... we close soon..

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Nene-Chan!" She waves  goodbye before leaving the cafe.

"Bye Aoi..!" I reply after snapping out my thoughts..

I sigh as I start cleaning up the counter, sweeping the floor, cleaning tables.

But by 8:57 PM I had finished...

Finally I had finished one of the most boring parts of this job luckily...

I rush to get my stuff and leave the cafe, locking the door behind me.


Walking home I was listening to the nice wind and look up at the starts shining brightly next to the moon.

The streetlights reflecting on the wet puddles by the streets, the calm wind making the air colder and colder...

I take a deep breath and continue walking to my house, but.... behind me footsteps got closer, louder and...faster?

I turn around to see someone....running towards me, I stood there, frozen. Not knowing what to do and my reaction being slow, they crash into me...

"ACK-!" I scream, sitting up looking the person who ran into me.

He looked dirty...and extremely pale! His clothes weren't visible underneath the cloak...but he had just ran into me so suddenly like if...he was in a rush..?


I sat there for awhile, wondering what to do as he was knocked out cold...probably because he hadn't eating for days by what it seemed...

I make the decision to bring him to my house, I pick him up gently and carry him on my back, he was quiet heavy but not so...heavy I guess...

I carry him to my small house, the cottage being beige with a brown tile roof, a beautiful garden with a path leading to the house...and the porch with the lights shining...

I open the gate as I go up to my door unlocking it, I walk in taking off my shoes.

Then I go lay him on my bed as I take of his shoes  so he doesn't dirty my bed sheets since they were washed just two days ago, and washing them is tiring...

I wonder if I should make him something to eat...plus I need dinner too... I think to myself for awhile before making food for the both of us.

I take awhile to make food but when I finish I had cooked two plates of fried rice with soup on the side!

I walk to my room to check on him but he was still sleeping... I go tuck him under the blanket and I go through my drawers of clothes looking for clothes that he could wear...

Eventually I found a black t-shirt that was too big for me but fit him nicely, and a pair of grey sweatpants that could possibly fit him.

I fold them nicely and put them on the bed with a note, it stood:

There's food outside on the dining table and here's clothes for you! There's a spare towel in the bathroom if you want to shower. Ill be in the living room if you need help with anything!

-Yahsiro Nene

I place the note on the clothes and quickly run to the bathroom getting a towel for him, folding it and placing it on the counter next to the sink.


It took awhile for him to wake up but when he did all I could hear was the music from my headphones...clearly focusing in the music more than my surroundings. I had already eaten and cleaned my dishes, whilst I was waiting for the boy to wake up..

I was sitting on the couch reading a book while listening to music. It was calm and relaxing for awhile...but it didn't take long for me too hear a loud thud sound coming from my bedroom. Anxiety filled me as thoughts run through my head. Wondering what had just happened!

My instincts told me to rush there, I worried for what could've happened. I bust the odor open just too find the boy looking up at me in confusion... he had big amber eyes and choppy black hair... he looks cute... Snap out of it Nene! This isnt the time..!

He was still sitting on my bed, I analyze where the sound could've came from, the...headboard?

My attention reverts back onto the boy, my eyes focusing on him. I walk a bit closer to him before talking...

"Do you...need help...?"

"Who are you?" The boy said cold and stern.


WORDS: 1338 words !

A/N: Hey guys... 🥰 I definitely haven't been taking a long break and decided to write a new fan fiction while also writing a different one 😊 ....🥰

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