Chapter 23- The Drill

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We hadn't even made it into Ba Sing Se yet, and already we were facing a huge problem. Aang had nervously explained to us the problem that he had encountered; a huge drill that was moving towards the city's outer wall, looking to penetrate it. This could only be the fire nation, and we all knew it. We all quickly made our way to the outer wall, rucksacks hoisted on our backs. Once me made it outside the wall, Toph bent a ledge of earth that raised us to the top of the wall. Upon Aang informing an earth kingdom soldier that he was the Avatar, we were quickly escorted to the man in charge of defending the outer wall. And so, we stood on top of the great outer wall, in front of a small desk where a hunched man with a green cape and pointy moustache sat.

"It is an honour to welcome you to the outer wall, young Avatar," General Sung greeted us. "But your help is not needed,"

"Not needed?" Aang asked him in disbelief.

"Not needed," the man confirmed. "I have the situation under control. I assure you, the fire nation cannot penetrate this wall," he boasted confidently, though I wasn't so sure. He quickly escorted us outside of his office, where we could see the huge drill looming in the distance. "Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded,"

"What about General Iroh?" I claimed with a raised eyebrow, and I saw Sung start to become nervous. "He got through,"

"Well, technically, yes. But he was quickly expunged," he told us, though hesitantly. "Nevertheless, that's why the city is named Ba Sing Se. It's the impenetrable city. They don't call it Na Sing Se! That means penetrable city,"

"Yeah, thanks for the tour," Toph said sarcastically with a frown. "But we still got the drill problem,".

"Not for long!" Sung exclaimed with a great confidence. "To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team,". While Sokka marvelled over the group's name, the rest of us watched the enormous drill travel towards the wall. We watched as many earthbenders, whom presumably were the Terra Team, made attempts to stop the drill. But no matter how much earth they bent, the drill always powered through the attacks, rendering them useless. A moment later the team was attacked by two individuals, though from afar I couldn't see exactly who they were. But whoever they were, they were clearly very skilled fighters, as they managed to take down the entire defence team. Eventually, all of the Terra Team could barely be seen laying on the ground in defeat. General Sung, who had been watching the whole ordeal through a telescope, threw his arms up in defeat.

"We're doomed!" he panicked loudly, though a smack from Sokka quickly quietened him.

"Get a hold of yourself, man!" Sokka told him with frustration.

"Maybe you'd like the Avatar's help now?" Toph said with attitude, and the general defeatedly slid his way over towards Aang.

"Yes please," he muttered in a high-pitched and defeated voice.

"So the question is, how are we going to stop that thing?" Aang asked a few moments later as we all watched the drill travel closer to the outer wall from afar. Instinctively, we all glanced at Sokka. He was usually the person who came up with our plans.

"Why are you all looking at me?" he asked us quizzically.

"You're the idea guy," Aang told him.

"So I'm the only one who could ever come up with a plan?" he complained with an annoyed expression on his face. "That's a lot of pressure,"

"And also the complaining guy," Katara added.

"That part I don't mind," Sokka accepted.

"Well first of all, we need to find out who's behind this attack," I piped up. I figured that if Sokka was going to be unhelpful, then I would have to step up with a plan. "It could be Zhao, Azula, Zuko, or even the fire lord himself who's behind this," I explained, gesturing to the mechanical monster that was in view below.

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