For Our Glory We Shall Rise

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Small disclaimer: there's a word that is a bit.. unethical, to say the least, so for the people that don't like those types of words, be aware.


[Russia's POV]


Belarus and I were locked inside an underground bunker. We unfortunately lost connections from the outer world as we didn't really have a choice either way. There weren't any windows available, just a singular lightbulb hanging above our heads, emitting a faint light that ricocheted off the walls and hit our eyes. The room was somewhat filled with stuff of basic necessities such as food reserves and places to rest. But there was something much worse than being held "hostage" against your own will inside such a small establishment.

Paranoia. Anxiety.

There was an inexplicable amount of fright rushing through my veins, injecting more and more adrenaline inside my already numb body. Unknowingly, I grabbed the nearest object with my right hand and I shattered it to pieces out of frustration. The colourful shards of ceramic scattered around the table and some of them fell on the floor, turning into fine dust. A large shard was present in my palm and I clenched my fist, unconsciously making the sharp part of the fragment of ceramic penetrate my skin. Slivers of blood spewed out from the newly formed cracks and before I could even realize, my hand was starting to bleed. I then dropped the shard and looked at my palm, widening my eyes. Even after a short while of staying in a bunker, I had already gone insane. This was not going to be a pleasant experience. Even Belarus was already afraid of me.

"Heeey! That was my favourite vase!" she exclaimed in melancholy.

She looked at the shattered vase with a frown and a sigh of misery escaped her lips. I jolted up from my seat and stood up, staring at the fastened door with a glare full of disturbance and anxiety. Tidal waves of negativity began to flood my mind. What if everything spiraled downward? Would I ever see my sister again? My worst fear was losing my loved ones. Such thoughts haunted my soul that was already a desert of frost. While my instincts usually proved correct, I was praying to the ones above that, at least for this once, I was wrong. Unfortunately, I couldn't know for sure whether my mind thought of it inaccurately or not. It was just a matter of time before the truth unveiled itself.

Belarus picked up my aura of sorrow and drifted closer to me.

"Hey, I can feel the dread from here." she said while frowning again. "Don't be like this, you know I can't tolerate such behaviour."

"I know, but I can't help it." I replied with utter sincerity, spilling all of my worries. "I just can't hold it back, what if Ukraine dies?!"

"Calm down Rus," she insisted for me to chill out. "Ukraine is a literal commander, she can handle everything professionally. Plus, she carries that claymore around her and holds it as if it's just a sword. She's strong."

She was right, Ukraine was definitely strong. She could kill thirty men all at once with such dexterity and sharp abilities, but that wasn't enough to convince me that she would, in fact, be alive and well. I was still worried sick for her, and Belarus was probably having enough of it. However, I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to make her even more upset because of my negative thoughts. I had no other choice but to conceal all of my true emotions and lock them up behind well-guarded gates of iron. It was the time I had to get my acts together.

Or so I thought.

"But Ukraine's your sister! You should care too!" I exclaimed in panic.

"Of course I'm worried, but not as much as you are, that's for sure." she replied in a concerned tone.

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