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It was the day of the Halloween party and my socials seemed to be blowing up. A lot of my friends were posting about what they were wearing and their predictions on who's gonna hook up with who.

I've been to my fair share of Halloween parties (Don't tell my mom) so I knew how to dress and how people dressed.

I decided I was going to be a pirate it seemed the least slutty but still slutty enough.

I texted Janis and Damien to ask if they were coming in the group chat that we had made.

The bikini Bottoms

Y/n😺: R u guys going to the Halloween party?

Art freak 😘🎨: Ew god no me and Damien usually just sit in his basement and watch scary movies

HoMoSeXuAl: ok we're not that lame! We also scare trick or treaters

Y/n😺: Alr well do u guys wanna see my costume?

Art freak 😘🎨: sure 🤷🏻‍♀️



Art freak 😘🎨: nice


I laughed at the responses decided to go and pick up Gretchen now. I texted her that I was on my way and drove over to her house.


"Wow you look great!" I said as she hopped into the car, a crimson color rushing to her face. She was a black cat and the costume looked great on her.

"Thanks! Y-you look great too!"

I smiled and drove us over to Aaron's house. You could hear the music blasting from outside, it became even louder as we walked in.

We went over to where Regina and Karen were, I said hi to Karen, ignoring Regina.

"Uhm Karen what even are you?" Regina asked, looking at her up and down, she looked confused yet annoyed at the same time.

Karen pointed to the ears on top of her head. "I'm a sexy mouse! Duh!!" I laughed , Regina only rolled her eyes continuing to talk to Gretchen.

Regina was an Angel (that's ironic) because to me she seemed more like the devil but whatever works for her I guess.  I honestly hated Regina because she was always so mean to everyone, especially Gretchen who practically worshiped the ground she walked on. To be fair though Regina looked hot.

Her white corset that was covered in feathers hugged her body perfectly, she looked amazing.

While we were all talking a fucking zombie looking creature came up to us we all screamed. I didn't even know who it was until I recognized the familiar grin and cluelessness in her eyes. "Cady?" I asked confused, she nodded.

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