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I left Regina's house later that evening. What the hell just happened? I had so many questions.

How long has she liked girls?

How long has she liked me?

Does she like me?

Do I still hate her?

Yes, yes I do.

Does she still hate me?

Yes, yes she does.

I had no clue what that meant for us? I mean we kissed and I liked it. I really liked it. And she's the one who kissed me first!

I didn't know what to call our relationship. It was a love-hate kinda thing. Would our tutoring sessions turn into secret make out sessions? Or would we just pretend it never happened?

God my mind was racing I didn't know what to think, what if-

"Ms. Hubbard! Are you day dreaming in my class?" My thoughts were interrupted by my History teacher. Everyone turned to look at me. I looked around the room and locked eyes with Regina who only rolled her eyes at me. Ok what the fuck.

"Uhm n-no..?" I stuttered out nervously. The older man only shook his head disappointingly. "Alright then, during world war 2 the Manhattan Project was the name of a plan to do what?" The teacher asked me. My mind blanked.

I stared at him as a few other hands shot up ready to answer. "Uhm...." I mumbled out, when would I need to know world war 2 history??

"As I thought, who would like to tell Ms. Hubbard here the correct answer." He asked amusingly looking around the class. "Perhaps someone who was paying attention."

He glared at me, multiple hands were raised, all of which were ready to humiliate me.

"Ah! Ms. George go ahead."

You've got to be kidding me.

"The Manhattan project was a top secret government program where the United States rushed to develop and deploy the world's first atomic weapons before Germany."

I looked at her in shock. There's no way someone, especially her, knows all of that! She smirked at me, a teasing, menacing, smirk.

I heard a small buzz come from my phone. While Mr. World war 2 had his back turned a quickly pulled it out to check my messages.

Regina🙄: you should really stop daydreaming and pay attention Y/n

Y/n igs?: Oh shut up how did you know all of that anyways?

Regina🙄: god I love the internet

Y/n igs?: fuck off

Regina🙄: 😚

I looked up to see Regina smirking at me, I let out a small laugh and shook my head. The bell rang and I could finally leave that stupid class.

I was walking to my locker when I could feel myself loose control of my body as I got yanked into the janitors closet.

"What the fu-" I was cut off by this mysterious person covering my mouth. Out of instinct I bit down onto the hand, hard.

"Ow what the fuck Y/n! What was that for!" I immediately knew who it was, letting out a sigh of relief. "Regina what the fuck! You scared the shit out of me I thought you were a murder!"

She only scoffed at me. "Look we need to talk" I nodded slowly at her.

"About yesterday...I-I'm not out yet and I still kind of hate you, but then again I don't and my feelings are all over the place," She took a deep breath. "I-I just don't know what to do or say."

I looked at her in shock, she just described exactly what I was feeling. "Y-yeah same.." Was all I managed to let out.

"That's it?" She asked, a hint of annoyance tracing her voice.

"Well what do you want me to say Regina! Let's get fucking married?!" I yelled at her, I didn't know why but I felt angry, what did she want me to do? She wasn't out yet and that's fine. It's not my problem!

"Ugh! You're literally the worst Y/n!" She yelled back pushing me up against the door.

"Oh that's rich coming from you, you fucking whore!" I could hear Regina gasp as she slapped me right across the face. I touched my cheek slightly, before slapping her back.

We both stood there in angry silence. Looking at eachother with rage. Both of our breathing was heavy and uneven.

Before I knew it we were kissing again. It was angry and bruising. I guess this was our thing now. We'd have a fight, make out, then forget about it.

She bit onto my bottom lip and I let out a small whine. Her tongue explored my mouth, both of us fighting for dominance.

She pinned me to the door, taking full control of me. We pulled away from each other, gasping for air.

We looked at each other and we seemed to do that a lot.

"Go to hell Y/n." Regina spat out, angrily glaring at me.

"I guess I'll see you there." I smiled back and with that I opened the door and left. I didn't look back once even though I really wanted to.

I knew Regina wouldn't leave the Janitors closet until I was at least 20 feet away.

I had no clue where this left us but at that moment I didn't care. I got the best of both worlds.

I could take her down and hate her with all my heart. But I could also kiss her in Janitors closets.

Authors note!

Short chapter today sorry I'll post another chapter later tonight or sooner 😉

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