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The next day at school no one talked to Regina and Cady was the new queen bee. People worshipped her like they once did Regina.

Cady was relishing in the compliments, enjoying every second of it. Cady was the new Regina George, she was completely self-absorbed not caring about anyone but herself.

•Cadys POV•

I was walking around the halls with Gretchen and Karen. Everyone said hi to me and it was weird at first but then I loved it.

People constantly complimented me and they actually cared what I thought. I even created a few fashion trends!

I was living for this. During lunch Janis walked up to me, which was weird. "Hey Cady I have an art show going on this weekend do you want to come?" She asked me with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry Janis I have a thing in Maddison with my parents." Her mouth formed an 'O' shape before walking away.

"So what are we doing this weekend!" Gretchen asked leaning over the table. To look at me closer. I slightly leaned back. "Uhm I have a thing in Maddison with my parents?"

"You should throw a party!" Karen suggested, I looked over at her confused. "Karen I'm going with them!"

"Can you get out of it?" Gretchen replied smirking at me.

I was finally becoming popular and I was not about to give that up now so I agreed. I decided it'd be a great idea to invite Aaron during calculus.

While Ms.Norberry wasn't looking I tapped Aaron on the shoulder. "Hey I'm having a party with only a few cool people and you better be one of them biatch."

His eyes widened and he gave a soft smile mumbling a small 'ok' before turning back around. I smiled to myself. I could finally go after Aaron without Regina hot on my trail and it was great.


"Mom you can't do this to me!! My friend Janis has an art show and she really wants me to go!" I plead out, crying.

"Cady we've had these tickets for months!" My mom reasoned.

"Don't you get it? I'm finally making friends!"

My mom took a deep breath, nodding her head slowly. "I guess I can trust you to be alone for one night..."

I jumped up and hugged her, quickly running up to my room to text Karen and Gretchen.

•Y/n's POV•

I was sitting on Janis's bed staring up at the ceiling. Me Janis and Damien were all bored as fuck deciding what to do.

"We could watch a movie?" I suggested sitting up a bit. Both of them shook their heads 'no' so I lied back down.

"We could go to the mall?" Damien asked, I nodded, that could be fun. "It's closed." Janis replied. We all took sighed deeply not knowing what to do.

I pulled out my phone deciding to scroll through my socials, when I got a text from Regina.

Blondie 😝: Hiiii wyd??

Y/n <3: I'm with Janis and Damien rn

Blondie 😝: aww ok

Y/n <3: why what's up?

Blondie 😝: oh I was going to ask if u wanted to come over and like watch a movie or something?

Y/n <3: we aren't even doing anything ill leave rn

Blondie 😝: no u don't have to! It was just a suggestion

Y/n <3: it's fine! I want to

Blondie 😝: ok :)

"This is boring I'm gonna head out." I stated blankly getting up. They both nodded, too bored to even protest. "Wait y/n!" Janis spoke out, as if she just remembered something important.

I turned to look at her.  "Do you want to go to my art show this weekend??" She asked I smiled at her brightly. "Of course!"

A sign of relief left her lips as she grinned broadly at me. I waved goodbye to the both of them heading to Regina's house.


I knocked on the door, Regina opening it smiling as she let me inside. None of her parents were home and her sister was at a sleepover so it was just us.

Instead of going to her bedroom like we usually did we went to the kitchen just talking. "Do you have any water?" I asked randomly.

She nodded bringing me over a glass of water as I occasionally sipped on it. I was sitting on the counter as Regina rambled on about how much she hated her ex-best friends.

In all fairness they were pretty bitchy for just dropping her like nothing. After she was done, we sat there in comfortable silence.

Regina moved closer to me until we were only a few inches apart. I wrapped my legs around her waist as her hands shot up to cup my jaw.

Closing the gap between us she pulled me in kissing me slow then picking up the pace. Regina pulled away for a moment, attacking my neck in hickeys and love bites.

I threw my head back to give her more access, meaning into her touch. She pulled away from my neck admiring her work, pulling me in once more.

I bit down softly on her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Almost immediately she granted it, and I slipped my tongue inside of her mouth.

Her hands snaked up my shirt, playing with the strap of my bra. "Please..." I let out.

With that Regina unclipped my bra, softly pawing at my breasts while kissing me.

I messily tried to kiss back, trying to stifle my moans. Regina's hands trailed down to my pants before a know was heard at the door.

"Fuck." Regina stated as I hopped off the counter.

"Go to my room, I'll meet you there in a sec." She stated, pointing upstairs. I nodded running up the stairs and I could hear Regina talking with her mom.

Soon, I heard footprints entering the room. Regina came in, closing the door and locking it. She looked at me, her pupils dilated, filled with a sense of want and lust.

Slowly she walked over to me.

"Now, where were we?"

Authors note!

Get robbed 😚

Kind of a filler chapter but i just wanna keep this series going lowkey

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