Chapter 12

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Christopher's pov

Since it was Friday the boss let us go home early. As I was driving home an idea hit me that maybe I should go surprise Victor because he informed me that he would be home all day today . So I drove to his house and was glad when the security let me in. He said he remembered seeing me in Victors car the other day. After driving in I was surprised to see another car in front of Victors entrance. "does he have company over" I thought. I then began to worry because what if I embarrass myself by showing up then Victor chases me away. I quickly got out of my car before I could second guess myself any further. I walked up to the doorstep and rang the door bell. The door opened to reveal Victor in a pair of black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. "Gosh he looks so handsome " I thought .

"hey Chris ". Victor greeted me as he opened the door wider for me to come in. "hey " I said nervously as I passed him and entered the house . I was about to say something when I saw someone standing there. Another man to be specific. He looked to be around Victors age (I know I have not mentioned it but Victor is 28) . We looked at each other awkwardly as I turned around only to be face to face with Victors chest. I bumped into him making myself look more like a fool then I already was. "are you okay " Victor asked as he rubbed my forehead. "yeah I'm fine" I said as I felt the blush begin to rise on my cheeks. "ohh umm Chris this is Devon and Devon this his Chris ". "hey " I said as I waved awkwardly. He chuckled before saying hi back. I then turned around to look up at Victor. "I just came to see you b-but it seems like you have company so I'm going to leave now ". "ohh you don't have to leave I'm leaving soon " said Devon. "yep he's actually leaving soon " Victor said in confirmation. "hey umm how about you wait for me while I send Devon off" said Victor softly. "ummmmm okay then I'll be in the living room "I said before walking away.

I heard the door closed and then Victor stood by the living room entrance."I did not think you would ever visit me willingly "said Victor with a smirk. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I had alot of built up tension in my body that needed to be released so I'm going to use this opportunity."well do you suggest I leave " I said while standing on my tippy toes and inching my face closer to his. Victor wrapped his arms around my slim waist as he pulled me closer to him. "I didn't say you should leave I was just saying I'm surprised Chris ". After Victor said that he slowly release his hold on me before straightening up. This caught me by surprise so I started wondering what the problem was. "is something wrong " I asked taking a step forward towards him. "no" he said taking a step back .

Victors pov

After calling him Chris I realized something. This boy wasn't mine and I don't fuck around with what isn't mine. I was beginning to get the feeling that Christopher was selfish and I had to call him out on it. "so whats wrong don't you want me " he asked in a seductive yet confused voice. He was needy and clearly wanted more than just to hang out with me. He had come here for something else... If you know what I mean . "I do I-... I just don't think we should do it " I Said. "but why... I mean we clearly both want it " Christopher was confused. I could see it on his face. "I'm not having sex with you CHRIS okay ". "okay clearly I did something wrong so what is it ".
"you think I didn't realize that you were distancing yourself from me... now because you want to spend time with me and probably have sex with me I should just give you what you want ". "I..... I..... " yeah just like I thought. Christopher has never had someone tell him something he doesn't want to hear. He does not like the word no and in the few weeks that I've known him I've noticed that.

"Christopher I really want this to work " I said with my hand motioning between me and him. "I'm not in this just for the sex and I feel like I made that pretty clear from the beginning " I wanted Christopher as my submissive and lover. We had not yet discussed the whole Dom sub thing but I know Christopher is a submissive the way he acts not just during sex but on a day to day basis highlights that about him." I'm not ready for that okay I just don't need that kind of committent in my life right now ". "and is there a reason... cause if we can't do this the right way I - ". "just stop okay... Just fucking stop. I honestly don't need this right now. Just 3 months ago I was fighting for my fucking life while I was in an abusive relationship with a jerk who sent his even jerkier friends to not only molest me but beat me up too because he thought I was cheating and guess what... my dumbass fucking stayed... I stayed because I thought it was love. I don't know what love is okay my parents kicked me out of the house at the age of 16 because I was gay. I was bullied all through out my high-school years just because I was gay so no I'm not ready to be with you if what ever this is,is beyond sex and needs me to involve my feelings. I just I can't okay.. I - I "christopher was sobbing now. He fell to the floor and started crying. I'm such a horrible person how could I pressure him into a relationship while he was suffering so much.

I dropped to my knees and gathered him in my arms and started comforting him." shhhhh baby I got you okay... I'm so sorry my darling ... I promise I'll make it all better "I did not know how I was going to make it all better but I was going to do it.

Later that night

Christopher slept peacefully in my arms as I hugged him tightly . I couldn't belive this beautiful boy had been through so much. After he calmed down earlier he explained to me exactly what had happened. He told me everything and I felt like the biggest piece of shit for pressuring him so much. Before I closed my eyes to sleep that night I made the biggest promise to myself. I promised to never ever under any circumstances hurt this beautiful boy in my arms.

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